From the Front Porch
Happy Friday from the front porch, sweet friends. We’re excited to have you here and appreciate you making us a part of your day.
This March, our Word of the Month focus is all about cultivating healthy habits, and this week, I realized cultivating healthy habits can be a cakewalk compared to losing bad ones.

I used to be one of those people that knew, that I knew, that I knew *this time* would be different.
I could just feel it.
I was more than happy to completely throw out the old ways of doing things because the new ways held shiny promises and I was passionate about all the good things headed my way if I just did this “one thing.”

Well, as you can imagine, trying to replace an old system with an entirely new one takes more than a few days and before long, I’d find myself right back where I didn’t want to be.
Each and every time.

The thing I’ve realized over these past few years though is that growth takes time.
And as badly as I want to get through the messy bits, I know there is always a message in the mess. It’s fertile soil for true and lasting change.
While we all experience life-altering moments from time to time, it’s the habits we choose to cultivate day in and day out that shape the people we become.

So, as we ease into spring and embrace the last few weeks of the first quarter, I encourage you to focus on small shifts rather than trying to replace entire systems.
After all, you probably already have a shell of a routine in place anyway, it just needs a little tweaking.
Think about the small shifts can you implement today that will help make your life easier or better.

Tired of seeing dirty dishes in the sink every morning? Load and run the dishwasher every night. Then empty the dishwasher each morning. That way, dirty dishes can go directly into the dishwasher no matter what time of day it is.
Forget to take your meds? Set an alarm on your watch or phone, and ask Alexa to remind you to take them or safely place them by an item you reach for on a regular basis like a cup of coffee in the morning.
Want to stay in touch with extended family or friends on a regular basis but have a crazy schedule? Set a reminder in your calendar to call, text, or write them on the date of their birthday. For example, if their birthday is December 16th you call, text, or write them on the 16th of each month.
Want to make your bed each morning? Make it while you’re waiting for your coffee to brew or before you get in the shower.

Dreaming of a clean and organized refrigerator? Clean it out the night before your weekly trash pickup. It makes putting away groceries easier too!
Hate folding laundry or doing household chores? Create an upbeat cleaning playlist, hold space with your favorite podcaster, or use a service like Audible while you’re completing each task. I’m always amazed at how much I get done in one podcast!
Always running on empty? Commit to filling up each week when you go to pick up groceries. There’s usually a gas station nearby. Bonus points if you clean out your car and get it washed while you’re there!
Don’t feel like cooking on the weekends? Make a dinner decision jar.
Want to make room for quiet time or journaling in your schedule? Wake up 30 minutes earlier than your family, take time at lunch to assess your day, or incorporate it into your nightly routine.
Want more rest? Get good at saying no.

I know you already know, it’s not enough to *think* about these things, sweet friends, we have to *do* them.
As in, fully commit and get to work.
And on the days we get off track and out of rhythm (raising my hand here too), we have to be aware enough to course correct and get back to cultivating healthy habits.
While change is never easy, it is absolutely necessary for growth.
Cheering you on as you cultivate habits and live a life you love!
PS: If you’ve never tried the lemon poundcake from Camille Styles, it’s SO good. And if you need a little something sweet but don’t have time to make the entire cake simply pick up a lemon loaf at your local bakery and make the candied lemons and icing.
It’s definitely not the same but will do in a pinch.
Small shifts…

Comments and Messages…
We love getting comments and messages from you!
Truly, it’s the highlight of our day and we try everything possible to make sure they’re addressed in a reasonable amount of time.
I’ll just be honest, I receive between 250-350 messages per day.
There are 967 emails currently sitting in my inbox right now. That doesn’t include Instagram DMs, or Facebook and Pinterest messages.
We have a very high spam filter and our messages are delivered into an assortment of “buckets.”
So, if you have a specific question about a specific post, please leave your question on the post. It’s easier for us to get back to you that way.
As always, other questions and comments can be sent to us via email.
Thanks for your help on this, I really appreciate it and I promise we’re working on a better system!

A Few of Our Favorite Things From Around the Web…
This beautiful resort looks like the perfect vaycay getaway.
I love all the pops of pink in this beach house tour.
Wait until you see this gorgeous project from James May.
I can’t remember if I’ve already shared this home or not but it’s so pretty, it’s worth sharing again!
This cottage is so pretty.
Did you know Rachel has a new line of candles?
Don’t miss the Grey Gardens’ Outdoor Rooms Tour
This dried flower wreath is amazing!
I love all the special touches in this garden-inspired home tour.
Love the sweet mushrooms Donna made. I can totally see them going viral!
Have you seen these vintage-style Easter eggs yet? They’re gorgeous!
This home tour proves there is so much beauty in simplicity.
It might be snowy outside but this home tour proves you can create a warm and inviting space in any season.
Sign me up for this Cotswold Cottage any day of the week.
Rachel finished the bathroom in her beach house and it’s fabulous!
These tried and true paint colors are all fabulous.
4 Noticeable Habits You’ll Find In Exceptionally Happy People
5 Ways to Keep Your Friendships Strong – Even When Life Gets Hectic
23 Things Only People Who Love Spending Time Alone Will Understand (for all my fellow introverts)
So much fun getting to know Nicolle and Lynn better through this podcast episode!
Words to Live By…

On My Nightstand…
(Amazon affiliate links have been provided for your convenience. As an Amazon and Impact Media Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Any sales made through such links will support us with a small commission at no extra cost to you. You can read our full disclosure policy here)
This book, Believe IT: How to Go From Underestimated to Unstoppable by Jamie Kern Lima was so inspirational!
It was an easy read and I find myself going back to the sections I highlighted for motivation each week.
You can find a complete list of all the self-discovery books we’ve read here.
Menu Ideas…
(31 recipe ideas to get you through the month!)

Fresh Finds We Spotted Online at Amazon and Target This Week…
(Amazon and Target affiliate links have been provided for your convenience. As an Amazon and Impact Media Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Any sales made through such links will support us with a small commission at no extra cost to you. You can read our full disclosure policy here)

Block Print Quilt * Tulips * Small Tabletop Bunnies * Planner Pad
Primer * Euro Shams * Pullover * Candlestick Holders
Storage Bins * Frownies * Block Print Sham * Sneakers
Keyboard and Mouse Rest * Dress * Serum * Rug
If You’ve Missed Anything from the Blog Recently or the Archives, Here’s a Peek At What We’ve Been Up To…
17 Simple Ways to Ease Into Spring

Early Easter Home Decor and DIY Inspiration Blog Hop

Quick and Easy DIY Bird’s Nest in Clay Pots

March Bucket List…
- Celebrate Piper’s Adoption Day and St. Patrick’s Day
- Decorate the House for Spring
- Finish Closet Makeover and Refresh
- Make Decision on Guest Room Chair
- Replant Container Gardens on the Front Porch
- Shop for Easter Basket Gifts
- Get a Fresh Haircut
- Yoga Before Bed
- Continue Quarter Challenge
- Read the Book of the Month
- Keep Sundays Sacred
March Words of the Month: Cultivate Healthy Habits
Activities to Enjoy:
- Make a Healthy Smoothie or Juice Recipe
- Enjoy Movie Night with a Friend
- Go for a Walk on the Beach or in a New to You Trendy Neighborhood
- Prioritize Sleep
- Stretch Before You Get Out of Bed
- Fill Your Water Bottle and Place It in the Fridge Before Going to Bed or Place a Carafe Filled with Water on Your Nightstand
- Do a 15-Minute Clutter Catcher Clean-Up Each Night
You can find our complete list of Word of the Month Ideas here.

March Simplified and Organized Home Challenge…
Focus of the Month: Primary Bedroom and Bathroom
- 03/05 – Primary Bedroom
- 03/12 – Primary Bedroom Drawers
- 03/19 – Primary Bedroom Closet & Accessories
- 03/26 – Primary Bathroom Cabinets and Countertops
TCG Housekeeping Notes, Dates to Remember, and Upcoming Posts…
- 03/12 – Daylight Savings Time Begins, US
- 03/14 – National Pi Day
- 03/17 – St. Patrick’s Day
- 03/20 – First Day of Spring
As always, we appreciate you more than you could ever know, and we hope your weekend is peace-filled and relaxing. We can’t wait to share even more with you next week!
Until next time, I’ll see you on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.
Many blessings,
It’s the folding of the laundry that gets me every week! Wash and dry is easy but then I avoid the folding process and end up with 4 baskets.
Watching a pod cast or even a show I have been wanting to see would really help.
Love all your advice. Have a great week- Meagan
This is definitely a relatable problem, Meagan, I promise! One thing that has helped us (other than listening to a podcast while folding and putting away laundry) is to do at least one load (wash, dry, put away) every day. That way it doesn’t pile up and we’re not having to put away so many things at one time. Another thing that might help is assigning a laundry task to a specific day of the week. For example, Monday-whites, Tuesday-darks, Wednesday-sheets and towels, Thursday-pet items, Friday-special care items. You can also assign each family member a day of the week as well. Hugs and hope this helps, CoCo
I love this! These ideas are so practical! Thanks for sharing!
You are more than welcome, sweet friend! Happy to help, any time. Big hugs, CoCo
No fair! Now I’m starving. That cake looks delicious. I appreciate you so much for sharing a link to my bathroom remodel. It was a fun project and I’m glad you like it.
That’s how I feel every time I see your Supper Club buffets Rachel! They always look amazing. Love, love, love your bathroom remodel. You did such a great job. Hugs for a happy weekend, CoCo
Hi, friend!!!
I NEEDED to hear this message today. For me, this applies to my thinking patterns. Slow and steady, also showing grace to myself.
Also, THANK YOU for linking my candles!! You are so sweet.
Happy weekend to you!
I’m right there in the trenches too Rachel! I say to myself all the time you would NEVER speak to others this say, so why do you talk to yourself this way? It’s a constant battle but one I’m confident we can overcome. Cheering you on as you make small shifts. Big hugs, CoCo
Hi CoCo! I can relate to starting a new routine and being positive I will stick with it, only to falter after a few weeks! Thanks for the encouragement to keep trying (skincare routine comes to mind first!) I always look forward to seeing the posts you share each week! And a big thank you for sharing my nature-inspired mushrooms! I appreciate you so much! I hope you have the best week ever!! Blessings, Donna
You are so welcome, Donna! I just know those amazing mushrooms are going to go viral. I totally get what you mean about the skincare routine. Mine was pretty hit or miss until I started seeing results. It was only then that I started making it a habit morning and night. You can totally do it too! I belive in you. Hugs, CoCo
Great post. I enjoyed every single minute of reading it. Hugs and blessings to you, my friend.
Thank you bunches, Renae! Hope you have the best week. Hugs, CoCo
What a fabulous suggestion to call or text people on their birthday date each month! Thank you.
You are so welcome, Corrie! Sending you hugs and hoping you and your family are able to enjoy at beautiful spring season, CoCo