Blue and White Bathroom Makeover
I originally wanted to share the blue and white bathroom makeover right after I shared the blue and white bedroom makeover. But after working on the bathroom for three days straight including a shopping trip in between, I don’t know, something about it just wasn’t quite right.
I mean, we had decorated it, of course, I didn’t leave it unfinished but all the way home I kept thinking about getting a different rug…or was it the artwork…or should we change out the table…or did the cabinet need to be painted…whatever it was something about the makeover was really bothering me and I didn’t know it at the time but it was bothering my mom too.
She finally called me late last week and said, “I love the blue and white bedroom, it’s one of my favorite rooms now.” Then she paused way too long, took a deep breath and said, “What to do you think about the bathroom though?”
I can’t tell you guys how important it is to communicate throughout the entire process if you’re working with someone about what you like and what you don’t like. In our case there wasn’t anything we didn’t really like…it was just that we didn’t love it and that’s what we wanted to do, love it.
We tried so many different things to make it work but ultimately it came down to two things…scale and texture. Here’s a look at the changes we made along the way…
This is how the bathroom looked a few weeks ago – totally coastal-ish.
The first thing we decided to do was to change out was the artwork and to add a small table to the bathroom. It’s hard to see it in this photo because there’s a glare from the window behind me but this picture features two sweet little dogs. We also added a few vintage pieces in keeping with the style of the blue and white bedroom and added a white shag rug too.
While the vintage pieces were great, as you can see, the picture was too long and too dark for this bathroom. In addition, the scale of the tiny side table is too small as well.
At first, we thought we needed to change out the artwork again and maybe the rug too. So, after a shopping trip, we decided to use these pieces.
After this go-round, we thought, “Ok, we’re getting closer but still not quite there.” The blue rug helped to warm things up and the horse and rider picture was a better choice than the dogs. But…there was still something…
It was at this point we took a break to reevaluate everything in the blue and white bathroom before coming up with a new plan of action. Sometimes, it helps to just walk away and regroup. We kept what we loved including the blue and white toile shower curtain…
and the vintage accessories on the vanity.
On a side, you guys know I’m crazy for this ironstone and those heirloom pearls – gah.
The silver platter is actually a trophy platter
and those containers were all thrifted for just a few dollars.
We changed out the rug for one that was longer, had more of a pattern and more color in it too.
We added a longer side table but it didn’t have a shelf.
So, my mom solved that problem with this vintage wooden tray.
Can we just talk about this riding hat?
It went perfectly with this picture we found while out shopping a few weeks ago. I about fell over when we paid for it and it was only $5.
It definitely made making all those changes and trips to the store worth it.
I know you guys know this already but I just want to remind you, it’s ok if you don’t love something the first time – keep trying things and changing things out until you get the look you’re really after – you don’t have to settle, ok?
Until next time, I’ll see you on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.
Many blessings,
CoCo – your commitment paid off! The room looks beautiful now! It’s so funny that you both knew that it just wasn’t right. Way to keep with it until it was! Well done!
Thanks so much ladies! Decorating is so much work and so much fun all at the same time – mostly fun though – especially the shopping he he. Hugs, CoCo