How to Create a Wellness Basket
About 15 years ago I was on a plane heading to Dallas for a conference. This was back before I even knew blogging was a “thing” let alone knew it would become something I would treasure daily. I was reading through notes and wiping my sweaty palms during most of the flight. Thankfully, sat by the sweetest old man. At time I was in my early 20’s and this “old man” was about the same age as my parents are now. My dad is an ox and can work me under the table any day of the week. It seems funny I thought this guy was “old.”
I guess he could sense that I was a bit nervous and he started talking to me about random in-flight stuff. Where you headed? What do you do? You know, the basics. When I asked if he was stopping in Dallas or catching another flight he smiled a peaceful smile. “I’m headed to see my wife and I’m so excited to see her.” Apparently, he’d been on a business trip and after almost 40 years of constant traveling he was set to retire in a few short months. The therapist in me said, “That’s great, congratulations! I know you’re excited to start the next chapter of your life.” He laughed and said, “I’m excited to see my wife more. She’s my best friend.” “That’s really sweet to say,” I said, “What do you love the most about her?”
He looked at me straight in the eye and without hesitation he said, “She loves me well.” I have no idea what we talked about the rest of the flight. I barely remember the details of the conference but in 15 years, I’ve never forgotten those words, “She loves me well.”
These past few weeks have been an adjustment to say the least. I’m normally up and going by 5 am. I’m knocking out my to do list, crossing things off my goals list, organizing new projects and basically running all of the arms of this growing business like a #girlboss. I’m hardly ever sick so taking the time “fully rest” seems like a luxury. But last week in the midst of mandatory bed rest, I knew I had actually been given a gift. The gift was the chance to be truly grateful that I’m being looked after and “loved well.”
I don’t know about you guys but sometimes we need those reminders, you know? The reminders there are people around us every day that are taking the time to love us well with a call, an encouraging text, a quick email, a random letter in the mail, a basket of cookies or even a “is there anything I can help you with today?”
Being that we’re in the middle of cold and flu season, I thought I would share how to create a wellness basket that will help you show a friend, neighbor, family member, or even a coworker that you love them well. I used an old vegetable basket but you can really use any kind of basket you want. Line the basket with a flour sack cloth or pretty dish towel.
Next start layering things in the basket that could make someone feel better. You definitely want to check with the recipient for any allergy, medical needs or dietary restrictions first but you get the basic idea. A mug, local honey and green tea,
items from the farm stand or market like ginger root and citrus,
a stack of fresh baked goodies like chocolate cookies or mini bunt cakes wrapped in parchment paper,
a well cleaned vintage Ball jar filled with drops to help soothe a sore throat,
homemade soups like chicken noodle or hearty vegetable,
a box of tissues (these are my favorite. I keep them stockpiled)
a little chest rub,
something to occupy the time,
something to look forward to later,
and a card.
Most of these items can be found at your local grocery or big box store that has a food market located inside the store.
It doesn’t take long time to put together yet it goes a long way in showing someone you care and love them well.
See you guys back here tomorrow. It’s the first installment of the …With My Sisters series and we’re sharing meal planning tips for busy families.
Many blessings,
Coco, last January I had a hysterectomy. It was supposed to be the easy robotic type but turned out to be the old fashioned big incision remove everything girly type. It was so hard to rest and accept help from people for a few days. However, I too realized how incredibly blessed we are when goodies and meals were showing up at our house. Sometimes we have to be reminded that we are well loved by family and friends.
Your wellness basket is a wonderful idea. Pinning. 🙂
I appreciate it, Stacey, thank you so much! It was so much harder than I expected. I think I just didn’t want to bother anyone because we all have such busy schedules but I was so very thankful for the TLC. Glad everything went ok with your hysterectomy. I know that things that are supposed to be totally routine don’t wind up to be routine at all. We’re lucky girls to have people that love us so much. Hugs, CoCo
Dearest CoCo – I hope that you are on the mend and on the road to wellness. It’s no fun being sick and down for the count. It’s kind of like the Universe telling you to slow down. Love this wellness basket…and thanks for the tip about the tissues with Vicks in them – we had no idea! You are loved well…by a lot of us! Take care.
Thanks so much for the sweet message ladies and the tips on the ginger tea. I’ve been drinking gallons of that tea 🙂 Those tissues with Vicks in them, oh my word, I could totally hoard those for realz. Hugs and thanks for the love ladies, CoCo
Lovely idea for a care basket CoCo! When I had pneumonia this past summer one of my friends dropped me off I care basket. It really actually meant more to me than I thought it would. And as crummy as I felt it really did help me to feel better. When you’re feeling sick you don’t feel like going to the store for the little things that might help you to feel better so this is a really great idea! 🙂 I hope you have a great day!
Thank you so much, Terry! You’re totally right a basket of goodies or even a sweet message means so much when you’re sick and hurting. It sounds like you had a really scary experience with your pneumonia. I’m so glad you’re feeling better and are on the mend. Sending you hugs, CoCo
I absolutely love this idea and it is so very thoughtful. Thank you for sharing and I hope you are loved well soon! Love and prayers.
Thank you, Renee, I so appreciate that! I definitely get stronger every day which is exciting. I can’t wait to pay the kindness that others have shown me during this time forward. Hugs and prayers, CoCo