DIY Leather Pulls

DIY Leather Pulls

If you had a chance to read yesterday’s post you’ve already seen the leather pulls we used on the boho chic inspired media cabinet for Hawk’s Ridge. I also knew we could make our own using basic items from our local craft supply store in an effort to a little bit of money for other projects we’re working on. Here’s a look at how we created DIY Leather Pulls and how you can too…

My Closet – One Year After Using the KonMari Method

My Closet – One Year After Using the KonMari Method

In December of 2015, I had had it. I was fairly tidy in all areas of my home with the exception of one space…my closet. I was basically dressing out of a laundry basket every single day because I hated putting my clothes away THAT much. It’s been a year since I started using the KonMari Method of Decluttering. Here’s a peek at how my closet looks today…

Tips for Shopping Renninger’s Extravaganza

Tips for Shopping Renninger’s Extravaganza

In yesterday’s post, I shared 17 Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day with a list of easy and mostly budget friendly gifts to celebrate the day. One of the first ideas on the list was “Take a Trip.” If you live in Florida or plan to visit and haven’t had the chance to explore Mount Dora yet, I highly recommend it. While you’re there, you should also experience the massive outdoor sale at Renninger’s Extravaganza which happens only three times a year. Here are a few tips for shopping the Renninger’s Extravaganza…

Santa’s Florida Kiss Cocktail

Santa’s Florida Kiss Cocktail

Each December we usually host some sort of end of the year party between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. Depending on what kind of party we’re having we almost always have some sort of signature drink. This year our home is decorated with a lot of natural elements so we thought it would be fitting to give a nod to our fellow Floridians. In the process, we created Santa’s Florida Kiss. Here’s a look at what you need to make your own…

From the Front Porch

From the Front Porch

I’ve had the privilege to work with a lot of smart, strong and talented ladies these past few weeks. As you know, most days I work from home so it feels really special to be surrounded by women that work extra hard to make each day amazing for their families, classrooms, patients, creatives and communities. This week I’ve been inspired by nature, blush, classy ladies and little luxuries. Here are a few things I’m loving from around the web…

Thoughts on Hurricane Matthew

Thoughts on Hurricane Matthew

It’s really hard to describe the roller coaster ride the last few days have been so I guess I’ll just start at the beginning. Early last week, we got our hurricane supply kits out to make sure everything had been restocked from Hurricane Hermine. We gassed up the cars on Tuesday night and headed to the grocery store sure the storm would miss us. Once we got home, we checked the weather report before going to bed and there was nothing more than heavy rain bands and tropical storm warnings forecasted for our area. Then Wednesday came…