Latest Finds from the Treasure Trail

Latest Finds from the Treasure Trail

You would have to go all the way back to this post in late October to see my latest finds from the treasure trail. I’ve been trying SO hard to use the things I have stockpiled before adding to my inventory closet. But last month, I got a really sweet birthday surprise, which allowed me the chance to hit the roads hot again. If last year was the Year of the Goat, this year should have been called The Year of Ironstone. Here’s a look at my latest finds from the treasure trail…

The Year of Cozy

The Year of Cozy

I’ve loved to read books and magazines for as long as I can remember. While we were in the mountains over the holidays I decided I was going to give myself the gift of carving out intentional time in my schedule each week to enjoy books again. This is also the same time I realized we were all reading similar books on Instagram and the monthly series, What’s on my Nightstand was born. This month the book, The Year of Cozy is on my nightstand and it’s so good.

2016 Blog and Booth Goals

2016 Blog and Booth Goals

I can’t believe we’re at the end of our first full week of a new year. It was so nice to be able to get away for a few weeks over the holidays and really concentrate on the goals that I want to achieve for this year. During that quiet time I was able to work on goals for the blog and my business. Some of these dreams are so big they’re scary but I want my faith to be bigger than my fears and I want to make the journey with you…