
DIY Framed Quarterly Calendar

We’re sharing our DIY framed quarterly calendar today!

Earlier this year, we received an invitation that’s been years in the making.

It was an exciting event but one that left us scrambling.

We spent weeks troubleshooting, tweaking, and moving stuff around in our calendars trying to make it all work.

In the end, we made it happen because that was the expectation.

But we were left completely exhausted.

I’ll be honest, the occasion was a total blur.

About a month later, we found ourselves back in a similar predicament.

A predicament that kickstarted a passionate discussion on self-care, priorities, and healthy boundaries.

When it was brought to my attention we had only been home 9 full weeks out of 23, it was eye-opening.

And at that moment, I realized the hustle and grind, badge of busy, work it out no matter the cost decisions we were making had not only become a choice but an active way of life.

One that was affecting us in unexpected ways.

Truthfully, the realization was a little heartbreaking.

But I knew it would become the catalyst for change.

Embracing a New Calendar Keeping System…

For as long as I can remember, I’ve kept a weekly/monthly paper calendar.

Honestly, it’s the only thing that keeps us on track.

Especially during busy birthday months and the holiday season.   

What I didn’t realize about that calendar system though, was that it didn’t allow us to see far enough ahead to plan or to make informed decisions.

It didn’t allow us to block off much-needed white space either.

While I still plan to keep a monthly calendar, I’ve also decided to plan by the quarter and try a quarterly system as well.

Yes, it’s an extra step.

But I feel like it will give us a big-picture view of our priorities and allow us to schedule our time in a more impactful way.

When I looked online for a framed quarterly calendar, I couldn’t find anything I loved.

So, I decided to make my own.  

It was a lot easier than I thought it to be and I wish I had been utilizing this system all along.

If you’re tired of feeling like you don’t have a handle on your family’s schedule, or you’re ready to make your own needs and goals a priority, you’ll love this simple DIY framed quarterly calendar idea. 

Here’s a look at how you can make a diy framed quarterly calendar too.

Framed Quarterly Calendar Supplies:

  • Large Picture or Poster Frame
  • Quarterly Calendar
  • Adhesive (we used glue dots)
  • White Board Markers

Framed Quarterly Calendar Steps:

Gather your supplies.

The quarterly calendar I ordered was approximately 27 ½ x 40 so I used a poster frame.

You might be able to find a large frame at the thrift store though.

Just a heads up, the paper the quarterly calendar is printed on is about the same thickness as a poster board.

It arrived folded in an envelope.

But I would have preferred it shipped in a tube.

I had to lay books on top of it overnight to try and get the creases out.

Some of which never came out.

Next, I secured the quarterly calendar to the back of the poster frame with glue dots.

Then using caution and care, I carefully reassembled the frame.

Keep in mind, you don’t have to put the glass back in the frame if your quarterly calendar is made from dry-erase or whiteboard material.

At the last minute, I decided I wanted the frame to be gold.

So, I used a small craft brush to apply Rub n Buff to the frame.

You could also spray paint your frame in advance though.

You can hang either your diy framed quarterly calendar or use it as a lean-to if you’ll be frequently writing on it.

Tips on Using Your Calendar…

If you have a busy family life or a life filled with competing demands as we do, you might feel the need to fill in all the blank spaces immediately.  

I felt that “seize the day” pull too.

Before you ever write anything down on your calendar though, I encourage you to have a frank discussion and get clear on your priorities first.

That way you can decide how your calendar will be used.

A DIY framed quarterly calendar like this one is great for…

  • Business, Blog, and Social Media Planning
  • Family Events
  • School Schedules
  • Sports and Music Schedules
  • Setting Goals
  • Goal Tracking
  • Meal Planning
  • Wardrobe Planning
  • Wedding or Event Planning
  • Travel Planning
Quick and Easy Framed Quarterly Calendar-The Crowned Goat

Filling In Your Quarterly Calendar…

As you’re filling out your quarterly calendar be sure to use the right tools.

These markers are for dry-erase or whiteboards.

And the calendar can be cleaned with a damp cloth or glass cleaner.

I know we’re all looking for more efficient and effective ways to do things.

At the end of the day though, we’re all responsible for how we spend our time.

You are the architect of your own life.

So, make sure you’re spending your days with intention and allowing your yeses to come from a place of joy and your no’s from healthy boundaries.

It’s not easy, I totally get it, but you’re worth the effort.

DIY Gold Framed Quarterly Calendar to Help You and Your Family Stay on Track-The Crowned Goat

Other Organization Posts to Enjoy:

DIY Gold Framed Calendar

DIY Gold Framed Large Wall Calendar Ideas-The Crowned Goat

7 Tips for a Successful Week

Ban the Sunday Scaries with These 7 Tips for a Successful Week-The Crowned Goat

Housekeeping Habits We Practice Everyday

Daily Housekeeping Habits That Will Help Keep Your Home Neat and Tidy-The Crowned Goat
Until next time, I’ll see you on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.

Cheering you on as you create a life you love,


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  1. I love this calendar! It looks perfect for goal setting!

    1. Thank you, Susan! I’m excited about trying it out. Having a big picture view has already made such a big difference. Hope you’re having the best day, CoCo

  2. I’m assuming that as a new month begins, the months get moved up? So this past weekend, June would have been erased and July moved up into 1st place.

    1. I was thinking about using it as strictly a 90 day calendar, Ange, but that is acutally a great idea to move the months up. You would definitely get a big picture view that way. Thanks so much for sharing this idea! Hope you have the best weekend, CoCo

  3. CoCo
    I love this idea. It is scary to turn over to the next month and realize you’ve either planned way to much or the calendar is blank 😳. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Speak to my heart, Rachel, YES to everything you said! I couldn’t agree more! Hope you have the best weekend, CoCo

  4. Hey CoCo! I’ve never seen a quarterly calendar like this but I think it’s fabulous! Since I set organizing goals for each season/quarter of the year, this would work perfectly! Thanks for sharing and I can’t wait to hear what you think about this system after you’ve used it for a while! Hugs, Donna

  5. CoCo this is genius! I need one of these in my life ASAP! I’m going to share a link to your DIY calendar in my recap this weekend.

    Thanks for sharing!

  6. This is brilliant, and so beautiful, too!

    PS: My husband has been using a DIY dry-erase quarterly calendar for work for more than a year, and he loves it! Hopefully, you’ll love yours, too.

    1. That is so exciting to hear, Corrie! I can’t believe what a game changer it’s been for our schedules. It probably took me longer to get on board with this idea than it should have but now that I’m using this 90 day calendar system, I can’t imagine planning any other way. Hope your summer has been a fun one. Knowing that we’re just a few days away from August is blowing my mind! Big hugs, CoCo

  7. I’m a written/pen & paper/bullet journal-keeping kind of girl too CoCo! My current quarterly calendar isn’t working so thanks for this fresh idea! I’ll be sharing this post in my weekend newsletter so my subscribers can see the idea too!

  8. I got a year calendar like this for the new year. I’m glad you gave the tip about laying the books on it to get the creases out. I’ll try that! I’m excited for the new year! I hope you have a great one!

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