How to Create a Simple Nightly Routine in 4 Easy Steps

We’re sharing how to create a simple nightly routine in 4 easy steps today!

At the beginning of the year it seems like everyone is trying to get organized, create healthy habits, and establish new routines.

You can read all about our 52 Weeks to a Simplified and Organized Home Challenge here, Word of the Month Ideas, How to Create a Morning Routine in 4 Simple Steps and 40 Positive Affirmations to Kickstart Your Day if you’re trying to do the same.

I’m right there with you as well.

I love any excuse for a fresh start no matter what the season.

Plus, I’ve found creating systems around healthy habits allows me to reach short and long term goals more quickly than if I were trying to fly by the seat of my pants.

How to Easily Create a Nightly Routine-The Crowned Goat

That said, I also understand firsthand how hard it can be to continue trying to form positive habits and settle into routines when you aren’t seeing the results you want right away.

I feel that way about my workout routine all the time!

The Case for a Simple Nightly Routine

The thing I love most about habits and routines though is that they help keep our goals and dreams on track throughout the year.

I’ve had a morning routine for a while now and even though I find ways to tweaking it here and there, it helps sets the tone for the entire day.

If you’re still struggling to create a morning routine that really works for you though, I’ll let you in on a little secret.

The secret to a successful morning routine is a consistent nightly routine.

I know some of you have littles, act as caregivers, work shift work, fight aging hormones and even insomnia.

You probably feel like you’re barely getting enough sleep to feel completely functional much less productive.

I hear you. 

Believe me, I do.

As I shared above, the only requirement for a successful nightly routine is consistency no matter if your routine takes 10 minutes or an hour.

Nightly Routine Essentials and Sink Scrub-The Crowned Goat

Here’s a look at how to create a simple nightly routine in 4 easy steps and set your morning and your day up for success…

Step 1:

Decide how much time you have for a nightly routine. The length will depend on how much you want to accomplish before bedtime and if you have help.

Step 2:

Determine the tasks you need to accomplish each day before you go to bed. These are things that will make you rest easier.

For example:

  • Making a healthy dinner
  • Making lunches or breakfast for the following day
  • Preparing your morning coffee or time saving smoothie prep packets
  • Laying out your clothes for work and your daily workout.
  • Reviewing your planner, calendar, or agenda
  • Creating a nightly self-care routine
  • Going to bed on time

Step 3:

Designate time to complete several easy tasks on your *daily* cleaning schedule before you go to sleep. That way, you’ll feel ready to tackle the day when you wake up.

These tasks include:

  • Clean up dinner dishes
  • Load and start the dishwasher
  • Nightly sink scrub
  • Spray down counters
  • Sweep/vacuum floors (if needed)
  • Take out the trash (if needed)
  • Check or sort mail
  • 15-minute clutter catcher 
  • Complete a load of laundry-wash, dry, fold, put away (if needed)

Depending on how much time you have to devote to your nightly routine, you might also want to do one item or task on your *weekly* cleaning schedule.

Keep in mind some of these items may be completed as part of your morning routine if you have more time in the morning than in the evening.

You can check out our Modern Day Cleaning Schedule here.

Step 4:

Devote time to doing something that is just for you.

For example:

  • Make a cup of tea, warm milk, or golden milk latte
  • Enjoy a hot bath
  • Devotional, meditation, or quiet time
  • Read a good book
  • Listen to a podcast
  • Nightly yoga routine or stretching exercises
  • Write in your gratitude journal
  • Create a hotel inspired turndown service at home

A Peek at My Nightly Routine:

  • Check/Sort Mail
  • Help make dinner
  • Prep breakfast, lunch, or healthy snacks for the following day (we usually take leftovers for lunch)
  • Clear away dinner dishes
  • Load and start the dishwasher
  • Make the coffee and set the timer
  • Spray down kitchen counters
  • Nightly sink scrub 
  • Sweep/Vacuum floors (we vacuum every day)
  • Take out the trash (as needed)
  • 15-minute clutter catcher 
  • Charge electronic devices
  • Lay out clothes & shoes for the next day INCLUDING workout clothes and shoes
  • Review the schedule for the next day AND review the menu too
  • Complete hotel inspired turndown service ritual
  • Bath (while I’m in the bath I’ll usually listen to a podcast, read a magazine, catch up on a book, or listen to a devotional)
  • Nightly skincare routine and brush teeth
  • Write in gratitude journal/planner
  • Off to sleepy town!

You can find our favorite budget-friendly sleep essentials here.

Creating a Simple Nightly Routine in 4 Easy Steps-The Crowned Goat

Keep in Mind

I know sometimes after a long day at work the last thing you probably want to do is look at a list of things you feel like you have to accomplish before going to bed.

If you feel this way, give yourself some grace and rest.

While this list looks extensive, it really doesn’t take very long to complete it at all.

How to Create an Easy Nightly Routine in 4 Simple Steps-The Crowned Goat

Keep in mind, establishing a simple nightly routine in 4 easy steps or being tidy and organized in general takes effort.

It takes pushing through the thoughts of, “I’m too tired…too busy… too overwhelmed…too stressed out” to get things done.

But it’s also a gift you can give yourself each night that will help to set you up for a successful day.

And that my friends, is absolutely worth the effort.

How to Create a Simple Nightly Routine in 4 Easy Steps-The Crowned Goat

Let us know if you have any tips and tricks for creating a simple nightly routine we should try!

How to Create a Simple Nightly Routine in 4 Easy Steps-The Crowned Goat

Nightly Routine Inspiration to Explore on Amazon…

(Amazon affiliate links have been provided for your convenience. As an Amazon and Impact Media Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Any sales made through such links will support us with a small commission at no extra cost for you. You can read our full disclosure policy here)

Nightly Routine Essentials on Amazon-The Crowned Goat

Alarm Clock * Weighted Blanket * Pajamas * Tray * Glass Carafe

Face Towels * Kindle Paperwhite * Electric Blanket * Yoga Mat * Pillow Spray

Eye Mask * Smart Plug * Book * Sleeping Pillows * Echo

Bath Tray * Sleep Soak * Pillowcase * Essential Oil * Diffuser

Other Morning and Evening Routine Posts to Explore…

Our Favorite Budget Friendly Sleep Essentials

Our Favorite Budget Friendly Sleep Essential-The Crowned Goat

Simple Melatonin and Lavender Bath Soak

Melatonin and Lavender Bath Soak-The Crowned Goat

How to Create a Morning Routine in 4 Simple Steps

How to Create a Morning Routine in 4 Simple Steps-The Crowned Goat
Until next time, I’ll see you on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.

Many blessings,


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  1. Yes! Girl, I could not walk into a messy kitchen every morning 🙂 Sending you hugs, CoCo

  2. You guys work two completely different schedules so if anyone could understand the importance of a nightly routine, it’s you two. So excited to hear you’re getting organized and ready for 2017. It’s going to be amazing. Sending you lots of love and big hugs, CoCo

  3. I completely understand, Angie, you are so right! There are some nights, I just want to go to sleep but I’m always glad when I push through even if it’s just for 20 more minutes. It makes such a difference. Love and hugs, CoCo

  4. You are very welcome, Sarah, I know you’re working hard at this and I’m so proud of you! Hugs, CoCo

  5. These are such helpful tips. Having a healthy morning and evening routine really does set us up for having a successful day. Now… I just need to make these routines a habit for everyday! 🙂

  6. This is great advice that I need more than you know! Getting to bed has always been a challenge for me! A routine might help me. I probably need to set a nighttime alarm just like my morning one!😂

  7. Love all your suggestions for a nighttime routine! It’s just as important as a morning routine! Starting one was a game-changer for keeping our kitchen clean and tidy! Can’t wait to check out all of your links! Here’s to a good night’s rest!!

  8. Coco,
    These are some great ideas. Thanks for sharing. I plan to share a link on Sunday.

  9. Oh my gosh. This post is so relevant. For the last several months I have been working hard on establishing a nightly “wind down” routine. I try to stop working by 8 pm so I have an hour or so to decompress before going to bed. You are so right – creating a night time routine definitely helps make for better/easier mornings!

  10. “The secret to a successful morning routine is a consistent nightly routine.” Boy ain’t that the truth. I have been ramming my head against the wall for years trying to force a good morning routine, unsuccessfully I might add. I looked at your nightly list and I am doing next to nothing on there. My new goal is to prioritize my nightly routine over a morning routine until I can get that part down. Thanks so much. I love your cleaning lists too. Looking forward to trying them out.

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