Modern Day Cleaning Schedule Made Easy
We’re sharing our modern day cleaning schedule made easy today!
This time of year, more than any other time of year, I’m laser focused on making sure our daily habits turn into positive routines.
So, far we’ve covered…

Modern Day Cleaning Schedule Made Easy Inspiration…
Like many of you, I’m consistently talking to my friends and family members about work-life balance and the pressure to “get it all done.”
Believe me, I completely understand how overwhelming it can be.
Especially, if you’re working full time, have a demanding family life and a busy social life too.

I know a lot of you are hard working professionals, business owners, parents, grandparents and fellow creatives.
It takes a lot of effort to try and make it all work!
I want to you know though, it is possible to have a beautiful home that’s also neat and tidy no matter what season of life you’re in right now.

Of course, there will be days you’ll have to give yourself grace when you see dust bunnies or furballs in the corner because you’re so tired you just can’t do. one. more. thing.
The exciting thing is that we can encourage each other along the way.
We’ve been there too!

Embracing Shortcuts…
One shortcut I’ve discovered since implementing our modern day cleaning schedule has been a total game changer.
In fact, it’s completely changed the way I tackle housework.
I used to do all of my cleaning in one day.
After working a week of 10-12 hour shifts, I would literally spend an entire Friday cleaning the house from top to bottom.
Laundry, toilets, mopping – the works.
But lately, I haven’t been able to find an entire day to devote to cleaning.
And you might be in the same boat as well.

After looking over our schedule and getting a new game plan together, I realized I didn’t have to do it all in one day anymore.
I simply needed to do 30-60 minutes of a Daily Cleaning Task + a Weekly Cleaning Task along with our already existing routines.
And so far, it’s working out well.
While this modern day cleaning schedule might sound too easy, it’s a simple mindset shift changed everything about the way our home functions.

Here’s a look at our Daily Cleaning Tasks:
- Make the Bed
- Load/Unload Dishwasher (make unloading the dishwasher part of your morning routine and loading the dishwasher part of your nightly routine for maximum efficiency)
- Wipe Counters (bathroom and kitchen)
- Wipe Kitchen Sink (post meals)
- Take out Trash/Recycling (when needed)
- Sweep/Vacuum if Needed (we do the kitchen, breakfast table/dining room and living room floors every night)
- Water Plants
- Check/Sort Mail
- 10 – 15 Minute Clutter Catcher
- Laundry (you may be able to do all of your laundry in one day but if you have a family bigger than say 2 or 3 you may need to do at least one load of laundry – specifically clothes – every single day so it doesn’t pile up)

Here’s a look at our Weekly Cleaning Tasks:
- Monday – Dust (all surfaces)
- Tuesday – Vacuum (this includes all carpeted spaces and rugs)
- Wednesday – Kitchen (wipe down appliances, clean out refrigerator, sink scrub, clean – microwave, oven and coffee pot if needed)
- Thursday – Bathrooms (mirrors, counters, sinks, tubs, showers and toilets)
- Friday – Sweep/Mop Floors (this includes all wood and tiled floor surfaces)
- Saturday – Laundry (sheets, towels, clothes and pet bedding)
- Sunday – Weekly Meal Prep, Calendar Review

Keep in Mind When Creating a Modern Day Cleaning Schedule…
This modern day cleaning schedule has already made a big difference in helping us to keep things neat and tidy.
It’s easy enough for everyone to follow along and pitch in.
Yet flexible enough I can change out days according to our schedule if needed.
As with all our routines, it took us a bit to form these new habits.
But it’s completely manageable now which feels like a big win!

Incorporating this cleaning schedule as part of our simple morning routine has helped us to have a task oriented mindset all day long.
If you find you have more time to utilize a cleaning schedule at night because you have limited time in the morning though, consider incorporating these tasks into your existing nightly routine.
Now, if you look over your schedule and can’t find any extra time to deep clean (hello all you parents running carpool from dance practice to soccer practice every day), consider hiring a cleaning company.
It will help you save time (and energy) in the long run!

As always, creating new habits, routines and schedules takes time and consistency.
So, don’t give up until you find something that works for you and your family.
Let us know your favorite cleaning schedule tips and tricks!

Other Cleaning and Organization Posts You Might Enjoy:
Our Favorite Cleaning Essentials

52 Weeks to a Simplified and Organized Home Challenge

Many blessings,
I love the vintage graphics S made so I could keep this on my refrigerator…anything to help keep me on track lady! Thanks so much and hugs, CoCo
You guys are so sweet to share, thank you! Having this visual reminder has really helped me already, I hope it helps you guys too. Hugs, CoCo
You’re so sweet, Misty, thank you! It’s really helped take the pressure off trying to find one full day to clean. I can almost always find at least 30-45 minutes each day to wipe out bathroom sinks or dust. i know you have a lot of on your plate too. Hope your weekend was an awesome one! Hugs, CoCo
Kimm that is so exciting! I can’t even imagine how you’re doing it all working as many hours as you do plus blogging. You are one talented lady! Can’t wait to see what you’re up to, Coco
Speak to my heart, Lisa! I would be totally exhausted at the end of the day trying to make everything clean and tidy in one day. This way is so much better. Hope your weekend was restful and relaxing, CoCo
ha ha I know right, Bobbi? Cleaning and blogging are both full time jobs! I’m glad you like the printable. I need visual reminders too. Hugs, CoCo
So sweet of you to say, Jamie, thank you! I know you guys are busy giving that gorgeous home of yours lots of extra love. It’s going to be amazing when you’re finished. Hope your weekend was a fun one, Coco
I love the idea of breaking everything down into days. It’s too overwhelming to try to get it all done in one day!
Speak to my heart, Michelle, I feel the same way. I definitely don’t have time to do it all in one day anymore but doing a little bit each day at least lets me know the most significant areas have been tackled 🙂 Hope your day has been a happy one. Hugs, CoCo
These are great tips, CoCo! I love the idea of breaking things up a bit by designating certain chores on certain days. I’m the one who leaves everything until the weekend and then all I find myself doing is cleaning house instead of enjoying life and family. Thanks for the inspiration!
I totally hear you, Christine! I would work all week then clean all day on Fridays and by the time the weekends came, I would be too tired to do anything fun. Now we keep everything tidy and only have to deal with one area each day which makes it so much better. Hugs, CoCo
Thank you for this practical advice and for the printables! Keeping a home clean can be overwhelming–you’ve made it doable!
Thanks so much for joining the Grace at Home party at Imparting Grace. I’m featuring you this week!
This is such a sweet surprise, Richella, thank you so much. It’s been a rough week so I can’t tell you how much it means to me 🙂 Sending you hugs and thank yous, CoCo
It is funny you brought this up CoCo. My mom and I were discussing how my aunt had a cleaning schedule down to a TEE. She had certain days she cleaned certain things and days she did laundry, I wish I was that organized. When I was first home, I tried to keep to a schedule, and I realized, I really struggled because I would see something, and think I will get that, and before I knew it my schedule was kaput. lol. I love the framed schedule, with dry erase marker idea, if only I could assign tasks to my husband, ha! You are an inspiration to us wanderers who can never seem to keep it together.
This seems so much more doable! I think it would also help with my frustration level – once I have done the full day cleaning, I don’t want anyone to even walk across the floor or touch anything! 😂This plan might take care of that.