
Spring Flowers Porch Tour

We’re sharing our spring flowers porch tour today!

Late last week, I was on the phone with one of my sweet aunts.  We’ve been having regular check-in calls since the pandemic began, and it’s been so nice to connect with her in this way.

She loves to garden and frequently answers all my newbie plant and flower questions while I help her with all her decorating and home décor questions.

Midway through our conversation about crepe myrtles, she said, “I’m so ready to hug people again. I just want to have people over and enjoy the porches and the back patio. I miss dropping by my friend’s homes and actually going inside.  Sure, we’ve been vaccinated but I won’t be taking this mask off any time soon because you girls haven’t had the chance to be vaccinated yet. We’re a long way from where we were last year, but I gotta tell ya, I’m ready for a real spring with real activities and real hugs.”

There was something about the way she emphasized the word real that melted my heart a little because it was totally relatable.

So, when it came time to pick out plants for our spring flowers porch tour, I immediately thought about our conversation and the countless times the little things wound up being the big things that helped us all get through such a wild year.

To be sure, our garden center was packed with all sorts of fun options.

And while I’ll probably always be a neutrals girl at heart, especially where home décor is concerned, I found myself picking up the prettiest flowers with shades of pinks, purples, yellows, bright greens, and whites.

I know flowers can sometimes get very expensive very quickly so each year we try to determine the color palette for our spring flowers porch tour prior to shopping.

This not only helps to save money but also keeps us on track when we get to the garden center too.

Container gardens are fairly easy to grow even if you’re a beginner with flowers and plants.

You might want to consider them if you don’t have a lot of time to weed a large garden, you want plants that can be easily moved, you want to change your plants out seasonally but don’t want the hassle or upkeep of flower beds or you want to achieve a big impact on your porch or patio for a reasonable price.

Just be sure you’re pairing the right plants together as each will have different needs regarding watering and feeding.

If you’re new to our spring flowers porch tour, several years ago, we created zones with area rugs. It made such a huge difference in how we use the space.

We can be out here in the mornings having a bit of quiet time reading or enjoying a glass of sweet tea in the afternoon.

The linens we use on the vintage and antique wicker couches couldn’t be easier to maintain. They’re white thrifted bed skirts, we wash and bleach whenever needed.

The pillows have been scotch guarded but we normally bring them back inside when we’re finished hanging out on the front porch.

Honestly, you never really know when the salty coastal winds will kick up or suddenly bring an afternoon storm.

Threadbare floral linens always remind me of the fun summers we used to spend with my grandparents.

We were constantly climbing trees, gathering things from the garden, and swimming in the ice-cold springs.

Things have really started to bloom around our property and just off the front porch. Especially our Chinese Fringe Flowers

and our Bridal Bush.

Our winter was unusually cold in Florida this year so I wasn’t really sure which plants would come back.

I had to baby the hydrangeas and irises that once grew on my Granny’s property but I’m excited to say I think they’re going to make it.

We lost a good portion of the plants in our memory garden so there will be lots of sweet conversations with my aunt and even more flowers to plant soon.

I know I say this all the time but I wish you guys lived closer.  We could totally break out the lemon bars, share gardening secrets, and a real hug.

Because if there’s one thing I’ve learned from the past year, the little things truly are the big things that make life special.

Let us know if you’re hosting a spring flowers porch tour this year too! Until next time, I’ll see you on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.

Other Spring Porch Tours to Enjoy:

Simple Spring Porch Tour & Blog Hop

Spring Front Porch Inspiration & Blog Hop

Many blessings,


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    1. It could be like a Haven reunion all over again, Kimm! So much fun! We’ve had such great weather and then the temps dropped again so I’m hoping by Easter weekend we’ll be back on track. I can’t wait to catch up on your posts! Hugs, Coco

  1. Hey CoCo – your Spring porch is beautiful! We love how light and airy it is. We would definitely love to share some chocolate chip cookies with you in this pretty space! Cheers to a fabulous day!

    1. That would be such a fun day hanging out here with you girls! I’ll bring the chocolate chips if you bring the wine! Hugs, Coco


    1. Such a sweet comment, Patricia, thank you! We do get lots of wind and rain especially during hurricane season so I try to enjoy every bit of Spring I can. Sending lots of hugs your way that you have a blessed Easter and you’ll be able to plant some flowers soon. All the best, Coco

  3. So pretty and inviting! I’m heading over for those chocolate chips cookies and some hang time!! 🙂

    1. That would be like a dream come true, Angie! Best day ever! Hugs, Coco

  4. Coco, your porch is just beautiful. You are a few steps ahead of us. It is springy here but I haven’t gotten out to make everything pretty yet. Making big gardening plans. 🙂

    1. Thank you Stacey! The weather in Florida has been amazing! We woke up to cold temps today but I’m sure by Easter weekend they’ll be back up. We have to enjoy every bit of Spring because the summers are crazy humid 🙂 I’m finally back in town so I’m heading over to your blog to find out what you’ve been up to. No doubt something amazing! Hugs, CoCo

  5. Coco,

    Your spring porch is devine! I wish our town let us put our front porch on our homebut zoning wouldn’t allow it when we were building. Don’t get me wrong I love our porch but it was supposed to go across the front of our home.

    Your porch is what I dreamed of and I live vicariousy through you every time you share it. I mske our back deck our flower garden paradise. I love all your clay pots too with there vintage look. I can’t wait for warmer days!


    1. So sweet of you to say, Cindy, thank you! I think I shared with you when I was in graduate school I had THE tiniest porch ever. It was more like a concrete slab or a stoop but I always dreamed of having a big front porch with lots of space for people to hang out. I treasure this space daily and appreciate your sweet words. Can’t wait to see everything you have planned for your patio. I know it’s going to be beautiful! Hugs, CoCo

  6. Your porch is gorgeous Coco! I am with you on the neutrals but those spring flowers blooming look amazing! Thank you for sharing:)

    1. It’s definitely a fun place to be this season, Tanya! Thank you so much for your sweet words, CoCo

  7. I’m with your Aunt. I want to have people over and hug their necks! Sadly everything on our yard is dead from that freeze. Not looking forward to that expense. But I certainly enjoy looking at your porch. Love the bright colors you’ve chosen this time. Pinned!

    1. Thank you so much, Cindy, it’s SO weird seeing color on the porch but a fun change too! You guys definitely had a tough winter season this year so I hate it that you lost so many plants and flowers. Hopefully, the nurseries will open up soon with lots of pretty things to choose from at reasonable prices and you’ll be able to create an outdoor haven you love. Sending you lots of hugs, CoCo

  8. CoCo, your porch is so lovely – how I would love to meet you for lemon bars (my favorite) and a good long talk! 🙂 I haven’t shopped for summer garden flowers yet since we’re still having some chilly nights in NC – but we are predicted 80 on Friday! Although I did buy a pot of daises that I’m babying for a while – just because I can hardly wait to see flowers blooming! Hoping you have a blessed Easter.
    Loved seeing pics of your puppy – I’m so glad you have a new baby to love! 🙂

    1. I would have you out here any day of the week, Patty! We would probably be talking so much we’ll need the lemon bars and a hearty tea time too ? Spring flowers just make all the difference, don’t they? I swear they’re one of the best gifts of Spring. Can’t wait to hear all about how your daisies turn out and all the other lovely flowers that are inspiring you this season. Thank you so much for your sweet words about, Piper. In a million years I never expected to get another terrier. She’s a handful but she’s definitely a blessing. Sending you hugs for a happy weekend and a fabulous Spring season too, CoCo

  9. Oh how lucky you are to have such a sweet aunt to share garden secrets with!! She sounds like a gem and I totally agree with her! I just spent my weekly visit with my mom and oh how I wanted to hug her. I miss that so! But even though she’s been vaccinated I have not yet.

    P.S Your porch is absolutely gorgeous! I would love to spend an afternoon sipping tea and sharing garden tips!!


    1. She’s definitely a special lady, Christine! I’m so excited you were able to see your Mom. It’s really fun to think in hopefully a few short weeks or months you’ll be able to hug her again. I’m still waiting on my vaccination group to be called up as well but I’m totally with you on the sweet reunions. It’s going to feel like Christmas came early this year. Hugs, CoCo

  10. Your porch is beautiful and I couldn’t agree more with your aunt. I am ready for ‘real’ again. We’re getting there, but I wish it would hurry up! Thank you for sharing at Party In Your PJ’s.

    1. I’m totally on board with you too, Ann! I feel like we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel after a really dark period where “real life” will become the “sweet life.” Hugs and happy Spring, CoCo

  11. New life is always inspiring. Your porch is lovely and I hope you get to enjoy it on Easter Sunday. Happy Easter, CoCo! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm. xo Kathleen

    1. We had a great time at Easter, Kathleen. I hope your time with your family was richly blessed as well. There’s nothing like a season of renewal and lots of flowers to make you appreciate all that spring has to offer. Hugs, CoCo

  12. I always sigh when I visit your front porch, and wish I was there for real. Every season you come up with the most beautiful display of flowers, and I love the variety of terra cotta pots you’re using. Big hugs CoCo and to your aunt too!

    1. That’s such a sweet thing to say, Michelle, thank you! I had the tiniest porch when I was in graduate school. It was basically a concrete slab I called a stoop. When the days got really tough I would just sit out there and dream of one day having a big porch with lots of plants and rocking chairs. It’s been 13 years since I had that mustard seed of a dream and every time I open the front door I’m thankful it came true. You are welcome out here any time – just be prepared for lots of jumping up and down and fangirl style squealing, CoCo

  13. CoCo, your porch looks so beautiful and cheerful. I have such front porch envy when I see yours. I love all the pinks and the separate sitting areas you have created. I have a back porch and I sit out there every morning and every afternoon and just day dream for a few minutes. You have me wanting to create some planters this weekend. Have a lovely week.- Meagan

  14. Hi CoCo – Well, we got about 6 inches of snow today so I was absolutely thrilled to see your post which contains oodles of FLOWERS!! There are so many great photos and I also love that you included a little bunny statue with a ribbon around his/her neck. Three cheers for the arrival of spring! Thank you also for sharing this post on the Home Imagined Link party.

  15. Hi CoCo- I am happy to share that this post will be featured in our Home Imagined Link party tomorrow! Thank you for contributing to our link party!

  16. I love the look of your spring porch. It is so lovely and inviting. I also so enjoyed being able to see the gorgeous Chinese Fringe Flowers blooming in your yard… AMAZING!

    1. Thank you so much, Heidi! Those Chinese Fringe Flowers definitely have a mind of their own – when they show out – they show out big 😂 They’re always such a pretty backdrop this time of year. Hope you have the best spring season, CoCo

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