Building a Porch Swing Frame

One my favorite things about the back patio is the porch swing. I was given the swing a few years ago as a present and I am SO excited to finally be able to use it. I’ve wanted a porch swing for as long as I can remember. I could just imagine myself on the front porch sipping sweet tea from a mason jar watching the world go by. Unfortunately, the measurements of the swing and the porch columns were too close and it made hanging the swing on the front porch dangerous.

We thought about relocating the swing to other parts of the property and every idea we came up with I hated. It just didn’t have the same feel as a front porch swing. So year after year, the swing sat in the garage waiting to be used. When we committed to giving the back patio a makeover, I decided to give the swing another try. I’ll freely admit it was hard to let go of having the swing on the front porch. But it was equally as hard to know the porch might sit another few years in the garage if I didn’t get a plan together.

I was telling my bestie S about my dilemma a few weeks ago when she offered to help me find and build a solution. We found a set of plans that were relatively easy to follow and set about creating a frame for the swing. This is a job that took both of us to complete, so if you’re thinking about doing this yourself, make sure you have a buddy.

I won’t give a step by step since there are already easy to follow plans but here are a few pictures from our experience. It was a lot of work. We started after lunch and the sun was literally setting on us and we started to run out of light. You should probably start in the morning if you’re going to try to do this in one day.

Building a Porch Swing Frame - The Crowned Goat 052015-1

After we got everything bolted and screwed in place, we had to pick this beast up. It’s approximately 8 feet tall and is super heavy. Then we had to paint it. I hung my paintbrush up for a few days after that, oh my word. My new best friend was Epsom salts.

Building a Porch Swing Frame - The Crowned Goat 052015-2

I’m out here every day now. I use it for my quiet time in the mornings. I take my conference calls on the swing too. I read magazines and sip sweet tea from a mason jar just like I had envisioned.

Building a Porch Swing Frame - The Crowned Goat 052015-3

Only now, I get to enjoy the birds.

Building a Porch Swing Frame - The Crowned Goat - 052015-4

See you guys back here tomorrow. I’m sharing one of my favorite pieces of painted furniture.

Many blessings,


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  1. Wow! You’re a real-deal builder!! Y’all did an amazing job! I know you’re really enjoying that swing :). Blessings!!

    1. Angie, oh my word, this beast was so heavy! We built the frame on the ground and when it was time to put it all in place it felt like a barn raising ha ha! I didn’t paint for days after that 🙂 Sending you hugs, CoCo

    1. Thanks so much Lori, I appreciate it! I can’t believe I waited to long to put the swing up but I’m glad we’re able to enjoy it now. We love it!

    1. I really appreciate it Christine, thank you so much! Hugs, Coco

  2. What is it about swings that we love so much? They are so relaxing. You’ve added two of my favs…swing and fire! Now that’s a relaxing evening. Share a glass a wine with the love of your life there one evening and soak it in.
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    1. Shannon, I can’t believe I waited so long to put the swing up! It’s definitely been a blessing. We’ve enjoyed using it almost every day.

    1. I know it Shannon, they’re really beautiful! We’ve tried our very best to create a habitat for land, shore and marsh birds. It’s really amazing to watch them stop over and check the property out 🙂

  3. COCO, OMG you are so talented. I can’t believe you made that. How fabulous to have a vision and be able to built it and then paint it. I love your creativity and talent. Beautiful and how fun to swing in it and relax. xo Lisa
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    1. Lisa, you are so sweet, thank you! I thought we were on a roll until we had to lift this beast off the ground and then I thought “oh man, i’ve really messed up here.” Ha ha it was like inch by inch but we got it in place and now I use it every day. I’ve save you a seat 🙂 Hugs, CoCo

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