How to Properly Care for Wooden Spoons and Cutting Boards
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How to Properly Care for Wooden Spoons and Cutting Boards

As some of you may know my grandparents passed away in March of this year and a few weeks ago we met as a family to go through my Granny’s estate. We used to spend a lot of time in the kitchen together baking and making biscuits so some of the pieces I treasured most were found in the kitchen. I’m excited to say, I was able to bring home a few these items and I’m on a mission to make sure I take extra special care of them. Here’s a look at how you can condition wooden spoons and cutting boards in a few easy steps….

Simple Cleaning Routines & Free Printables

Simple Cleaning Routines & Free Printables

I know a lot of us will be headed back to school and work this week so I thought it would be a perfect time to share The Busy Girl’s Guide to Simple Cleaning Routines. I used to be able to set one full day aside to clean the house from top to bottom but those days are long gone. I still like to keep a tidy house though so I found a way to get the housework completed while still living a full life. Here’s a peek at the simple cleaning routine that changed everything…

The Best Way to Organize Your Car

The Best Way to Organize Your Car

For all of my rock star organizing ways in multiple spaces throughout the house there was always one mess that I could not seem to contain…paper clutter. A few weeks ago in anticipation of the kitchen makeover, I vowed to find a way to not only cut paper clutter but to help items that are coming in and out of the house more organized as well. This idea led me to the one place it all starts – the car. Here are a few things you can do today to keep the clutter out of your house by organizing your car…

5 Steps to a More Organized Laundry Room
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5 Steps to a More Organized Laundry Room

As I shared last week, I’m definitely starting to feel the pressure to get the house neat, tidy and in order before the fall season begins. We have a few big projects in the works that are going to make things pretty messy around here for a hot minute. As you might have guessed, it’s one thing to be organized and yet it’s a completely different thing to maintain the organizational system you have set in place. The key to making it all work is…simplicity. Here are a few steps to keep in mind when you’re tackling the laundry room…

How to Keep Linen Closets Organized and Maintained

How to Keep Linen Closets Organized and Maintained

Is anyone else feeling this major need to purge and organize in record time? It’s so hard to believe the start of school is just a few short weeks away. While the littles are probably excited about new clothes, new friends and new adventures, I know a lot of us are thinking about those last minute goals on the priorities list that still need to be completed. Here are a few tips on how to keep linen closet organized and maintained…

Clever Ways to Organize Books and Magazines

Clever Ways to Organize Books and Magazines

I’m working with a great group of ladies this year to purge and organize my entire home using the KonMari method from the book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. So far, I’ve organized the bedroom drawers and closet, the pantry, the kitchen cabinets and drawers as well as the kitchen’s built in desk area. I can honestly say, we’ve been able to keep these areas tidy thanks to decluttering and having a system in place we’re able to maintain. My goal this month is to tame the piles of books and magazines. Here are a few clever ways to help you organize them both especially if you love magazines as much as I do…