Simple Ways to Live a Luxurious Life
We’re sharing simple ways to live a luxurious life today.
Shortly after my Granny passed away, I was going through some of the jewelry and letters that had been gifted to me.
Savoring these items always makes me feel close to her even though she’s been gone for a few years now.
I miss her dearly.

One day, while trying to close her jewelry box one of the hinges caught, and the contents scattered all over the floor.
As I was cleaning up, I discovered an emerald stone lodged in the lining of the box.
Truthfully, it looked like a stone had fallen out of one of her brooches.
I didn’t want to keep something that wasn’t meant to be mine though.
So, I immediately sent a picture of the stone to my Mom and asked if she wanted it back.
Several years later, I received that stone in an emerald ring to commemorate a milestone birthday and I’ve been wildly sentimental about the piece ever since.
While I wear the ring nearly every day at home, I rarely wear it when I’m out.

Recently though, I was attending an event with a group of acquaintances and friends when one of them commented on the ring.
“That ring is so big, it looks fake,” she said with disdain dripping from her voice. “No one would ever believe that someone like you could afford a ring like that,” she continued.
I can’t even begin to describe how much her comment caught me off guard.
I was literally gobsmacked at her level of shameless disrespect.
But I can’t say that’s the only time I felt that way.

Years ago, I was at a blogging conference when a blogger I adored talked about “poor people” who made their own business cards. Guess who was sporting homemade business cards that day? Me.
A year later at the same conference, several people at our dinner table were laughing about “losers” who wore thrifted J.Crew. Guess who was wearing a thrifted J.Crew cardigan that night? Me.
I freely admit the comment about the ring stung at first.
It literally brought tears to my eyes.

While I try not to dwell on rude or unkind comments, I must admit, all the way home I thought about how some people have been conditioned to strictly think of wealth as big houses, luxury labels, extravagant vacations, fancy cars, and flashy influence.
Make no mistake, there’s nothing wrong with those things if they’re important to you.
But I want you to remember no matter your current circumstances or your upbringing, you have the power to define and create a luxurious life.
You don’t need anyone’s permission but your own.

As I’ve shared many times wealth to me is simple pleasures, ease of worship, spending time as I wish, having financial stability, living in a home I love, eating foods that nourish my body, access to quality healthcare, clothes that make me feel confident, a strong support system, and a gift of writing that connects me to you.
Everything else is extra.
Over the years, we’ve been delightfully intentional about incorporating inexpensive simple pleasures into our lives.
So, I wanted to share them in case you’re looking for fresh ways to live a more luxurious life too.

Here’s a look at simple ways to live a luxurious life, even on a budget…
- Buy the best quality you can afford
- Find easy ways to elevate the everyday
- Learn the art of food presentation
- Keep your house clean and tidy
- Declutter
- Clean out, vacuum, and wash your car or pay to have it detailed if you’re short on time
- Nourish your body with healthy food choices
- Stay hydrated
- Prioritize sleep
- Practice self-care daily
- Develop an attitude of gratitude
- Find a workout routine that excites you
- Send letters on monogrammed stationery
- Listen to classical music or curate a playlist that makes you happy
- Spend time in nature
- Curl up with a good book
- Serve coffee from a French Press
- Use “the good stuff” now
- Drink your coffee from a bistro cup, and your tea from a teacup
- Set the table
- Use silver trays, spoon rests, knife rests, butter pats, real napkins, and water carafes with meals
- Chill your champagne
- Buy fresh flowers and herbs
- Take a cooking, art, pottery, calligraphy, embroidery, floral arranging, or photography class
- Learn a new language
- Educate yourself on things you’re curious about
- Wear clothes and accessories you feel confident in
- Find a signature perfume, lipstick, nail polish, or style
- Sleep on a silk or satin pillowcase
- Try linen sheets
- Elevate your shower and bath experience
- Invest in skincare
- Savor the moments you have with family and friends
- Raise your standards
- Choose to live in excellence
- Present yourself the way you wish to be seen (don’t make yourself small for the sake of others)
- Become financially literate (check to see if your bank offers any free classes)
- Develop a healthy money mindset
- Learn how to build wealth
- Be generous with your time
- Keep your word to yourself and others
- Love lavishly
- Eliminate things that no longer serve you well
- Meet friends at a swanky hotel for drinks or at a new coffeehouse for coffee
- Attend the symphony or a summer concert series, linger at an art gallery or museum, a farmer’s market, bakery, bistro, chocolatier, home tour or garden show, marvel at the planetarium, visit the zoo or the botanical gardens, and utilize the services at your local library
- Travel as much as you can
- Make your weekends count
- Stop waiting for “someday”

Creating a more luxurious life starts by defining what luxury means to you.
Once you know those standards, you can start incorporating simple pleasures and little luxuries into your days until you’ve transformed your life.
One of my favorite quotes from Eleanor Roosevelt says, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent,” and as I type this post in my ripped Walmart jeans and J,Crew sweatshirt, wearing a sentimental emerald ring while listening to Mozart I’m reminded we have the power to choose the kind of luxurious life we want to live.
So, whether you try one thing on this list or 47, I hope you’ll remember kindness, respect, and grace are free to us all.
Cheering you on as you create a life you love!

Many blessings,
This post was so full of wisdom worth adopting I printed it out for guideline reminders!
That’s so sweet of you, Megan, thank you. Little reminders always help keep me focused too! Hope your day is a special one, CoCo
Wonderful reminders today. Thank you!
You are so welcome, Lois! I hope your day is filled with joy and grace, CoCo
Thank you, Susan! Hope you have a day filled with all your favorite things, CoCo
I can’t believe your friend said that to you. And the speakers–what a great way to alienate their audience! Thank you for this beautiful post and for the grace you’ve shown here. May God bless you!
Thankfully, the rest of the conference wasn’t as awkward as it began, LeAnne, but goodness what a start two years in a row! Walking in grace is not always easy but it’s definitely the best option. Hope your day is a special one, CoCo
Wow! That was great! I love this type of luxury! As far as the hurtful comments that were made, that says a lot about the people who made them. It’s hard to remember that when you are on the receiving end though. Thanks for sharing this!
Aww thank you, Susan! It wasn’t the first time I’ve gone through a situation like that and I know it won’t be the last. Thankfully, I’ve learned to see the lessons in everything. Even the ones that sting a bit. Sending you hugs and hoping you find extra special ways to live a luxurious life, CoCo
Loved this! I agree wholeheartedly but I wish it didn’t hurt like it does when I am confronted by such snobbery. After loosing everything and being homeless in the middle of our lives we choose when we got back on our feet to work hard to pay off a home first. “Friends and family” use to make snide remarks about our tight purse strings. Today we’re 3 years into retirement and we’re sitting pretty but I still go to the “resale” shop…..wink, wink!
You can’t see it but I’m literally giving you woo-hoos and high-fives right now, Marci! Thank you so much for sharing your story. It’s really important! I’m so happy you guys have paid off your home and are comfortable in retirement. I know it must have been difficult at times but you stayed the course and saw it through and you should be proud of your accomplishments. It’s a huge deal! Sending you hugs and excitement for all your hard work, CoCo
You’re too kind, Diana! Hope your day has been a fun one and thanks so much for your sweet words, CoCo
Dear Coco,
It is clear to me that your “friend” was very jealous of your beautiful ring. Let’s pray for her to become self- aware and apologize to you. If she does not, you just learned about her character and you have the power to decide if you want her in your life. I will be turning 70 years old in a few months. Life is way too short to put up with people who are rude and petty. My inner circle has become honed down to people who I can trust to respect me. That’s one of the perks of getting older. When you have to deal with many people, like you do now, you can get caught off guard when they are rude. Even though you may feel hurt and angry, try to remember who you are and be strong enough to actually feel sorry for them. I find that praying for my enemies is a very powerful tool.
You always leave the best comments, Ellen, thank you! I appreciate the gentle reminders and the way you freely share your life lessons and experiences so we can all learn from them. It means so much! I think the first line of the book, The Purpose Driven Life is, “It’s not about you,” and I try to remember that sentiment whenever I’m confronted with situations like these. We truly never know what someone is going through. While it doesn’t make the way they behave ok, it is a great reminder as you’ve shared, that they need prayer too. Sending you hugs and thanks yous for your wise words, CoCo
I enjoy reading your blogs every day. You have such a nice way of telling your stories. I felt bad for you when I read the comment about your ring. What a cruel and nasty thing to say. Just remember your grandmother and enjoy the memories it represents. Take care
Thank you so much, Tami, I really appreciate your support and kind words. It was definitely an awkward experience but like you say every time I look at the ring now I’m even more grateful for the kind of example my Granny gave us. She was such a great lady! Hope your day is filled with all good things, CoCo
So many true comments. I use the “good” stuff. I treasure all my belongings and have friends over for tea, lunch, etc. So much fun.
I love that you do this, Eileen! It makes such a big difference in our day-to-day lives and I’m glad you’re making those things that are important to you a priority. Keep up the good work – I’m cheering you on, CoCo
Coco, your words today truly struck a nerve. I’ll admit to having many a day wasted fretting and reliving, all over again, someone’s callous remarks.
Thanks for writing this.
Oh, Dorothy, I’m so sorry this has happened to you. One of the things that helps me work through stuff like this is to use a technique Jon Acuff shared in his book, Soundtracks. If ever you have ruminating thoughts ask yourself…Is this true? Is this helpful? Is this kind? I know sometimes people offer constructive criticism while other times it’s just rude and disrespectful comments/opinions. Using this technique makes it easier to see the difference between the two. I also remind myself that “hurting people hurt people” it doesnt make the sting go away necessarily but it does make my response a softer one. Sending you hugs and a sweet reminder you are enough, CoCo
My heart hurt when you shared the comments made. We’ve all heard them and been “gobsmacked” as you said. Thank you for your thoughts. Kindness shines through your thoughts. It’s a lesson to think before speaking. My daily devotion yesterday was “gentleness” and I pray that I practice gentleness in all things. You are so thoughtful, and I thank you for your ways to live a luxurious life. I’ll look forward to today as I consider your ideas…and remember that even though there is meanness, there are also kind and gentle people like you. Bless you and thank you💕
Thank you so much for these sweet and thoughtful words, Marta. I really appreciate them! I love that your devotion was on gentleness. It’s such an awesome reminder to pause and take a softer approach every chance we can, even on the days it’s not easy to do. While I’ve long given up trying to understand why some people feel it’s necessary to be rude, I find comfort in knowing there are people just like you who are shining a light on true kindness. Hugs, CoCo
Coco you said it again. I can’t get over how unkind and thoughtless we all can be, myself included. Making judgements on things we can’t begin to understand. I too am constantly looking for luxury in the simple. Yesterday it was digging in the dirt, today it will be digging in the dirt and sitting back tonight and enjoying the feel of spring on my shoulders. Thank you again.
That sounds like such a special way to spend the day, Shelley! It’s a great time of year to be out and about in the garden. I feel like we’re running behind on ours but I know we’ll make time to catch up. Hope your day is filled with simple pleasures and little luxuries, CoCo
Such a great post! I TOTALLY agree that wealth means different things to different people. It is not about the money. Making every moment special and enjoying the simple things makes life rich. Thanks for sharing…I needed this today. Best, Kim
You are so welcome, Kimberley, I need reminders like this myself all the time. Hope your day is filled with all good things, CoCo
What an honest and thought provoking post. I never came from the ‘wrong side of the tracks’, but I grew up ‘making do’ the best way possible. I learned to garden, sew my own clothes at 12-13 (4H-thank you), refinish furniture and even some electrical repair thanks to my dad! You really hit a nerve here, I’ve never been ashamed of anything ‘thriftstore’ item I’ve used, worn or SOLD. Honestly, I’ve wear the badge and blog: OLDNEWGREENREDO with honor…and yes, we are happy. Do I want to go to Paris on vacay—sure, but if I ever do, it will be a back-pack and a URAIL pass that will take me to Prague, Copenhagen, maybe even a jaunt to the UK. When I started blogging it wasn’t ALL about BUYING, CONSUMING,SELLING…sadly now the shares are simply adverstisements…SO THANKS for making me stop and not dump this post in the trash…Hugs, Sandi
Sometimes we get caught up in the things that really don’t matter or aren’t as important as we think they are. I am guilty of this. We all need to be reminded from time to time that we are enough. Thank You for doing that today.
Speak to my heart, Rita, I can totally relate to what you’re saying. Sometimes the lessons that sting the most are our greatest teachers. Sending you lots of hugs and reminders that you’re enough and made for moments just like these, CoCo
Beautifully said!
Thank you bunches, Melanie. I hope you have the best day! Hugs, CoCo
One of your best blogs ever. Wish you had shown the ring—I love emeralds. I detest people who look down on others because of their station in life, especially when they let it be known. I was secretary/treasurer for a foundation set up to assist working people who needed a little help to get by. People that lost their jobs, missed worked due to illness or injury, houses burned and such. Opened my eyes to how easily one could go from “doing fine” to “just can’t make it on my own”. Hope your snotty ‘friend/acquaintance’ never has to learn that lesson.
Such a sweet thing to say, Joyce, thank you so much. I really appreciate it. It’s so kind of you to work and empathize with people who have gone through hard times. My grandparents and one of my aunts lost everything decades apart in 2 separate house fires and we saw firsthand how devasting it can be. Thankfully, they had our big farm family to help bridge the gap but I know there are lots of people who are not as lucky and need support from foundations like yours. I’m so glad you were there in their time of need as life can change in an instant. Sending you hugs and hoping she never has to learn that lesson as well, CoCo
Oh Coco, I loved your post, but felt sorry for the snobbish comments of others. So sad!! I so agree with it being the simple things of life that bring us the most joy and a feeling of luxury. You are wise beyond your years! And I loved the quote by Eleanor Roosevelt, such good advice, and praying for those that try to make us feel put down is best gift we can give them, and ourselves, as Prayer takes the hurt right out of our hearts!! In my older years I have begun to realize that there were people in my life that were really not friends but frenemies!! So as your friend Ellen said, my friends are a lot fewer than they used to be, and it’s made my world a much better place to live. lol
Blessings to you as you are a lovely person
big ring, homemade business cards, thrifted sweater and all!! lol
Thank you for this post Coco. I live in a very small town without a mall but I want to incorporate some of these things into my day. Do you have anything specific you use on a regular basis I can order from somewhere like Amazon? Thanks
Someone else asked this same question, Shayla, so I’m putting together something now. I completely understand what it’s like to live in a town with no mall or good thrift stores as my hometown doesn’t have either. Until then, think about the things you do have access to and see how you can incorporate them into your day even if it’s as small as grocery store flowers. They help! Hugs, CoCo
These are great ideas Coco but I’m not sure how to get started or what products to use. Any advice?
The easiest way to get started is to visualize or daydream about how you want to day to flow. If that’s too broad or overwhelming, break it up and think about how you want to incorporate little luxuries into your mornings, lunch and dinner. As far as products go think about the things you use everyday and how you can elevate those items. It can be as basic as upgrading the coffee mugs you drink out of or as big as customizing you closets. You get to decide! I’ll have some budget friendly options for you next week. Hope your day is a fun one, CoCo
I love you even more for wearing your gorgeous ring while wearing your ripped Walmart jeans. You go gilr. Go live your best life. Hugs and blessings to you, my lovely friend.
ha ha it’s all about the high and low, Renae! Hope you’re having the best week. I can’t believe how fast it’s flying by. Hugs, CoCo
Years ago, I worked in a hospital in Grosse Pointe, MI as a secretary and had to wear a white uniform. On my lunch hour I went to Jacobsons, the exclusive, expensive department store in Grosse Pointe, one of the wealthiest suburbs in Michigan. I admired a beautiful quartz and shell necklace that was on display behind the counter. The clerk ignored me at first but then asked rather rudely what I could possibly be interested in. I asked to look at the necklace. She refused and said, “You can’t afford this on your salary.” She just walked away and left me standing there. Well, tears flowed. But I decided to make that very same necklace. It wasn’t cheap to make but I saved my grocery money and I me an exact copy. I got dressed up one day after work and went to that same clerk at Jacobsons. She looked at my neck and at me in shock. I told her that I went to the Birmingham store and bought it. I also told her that the clerk there was very appreciative that she received on nice commission on the sale. The look on her face was priceless.
I love this Pretty Woman story, Nancy. Thank you so much for sharing it! It’s so cool you were able to make the same necklace. I hope every time you wear it you feel like a rockstar woman who knows her worth! I’m definitely cheering you on. Big hugs, CoCo
This is such a beautifully written post, CoCo!! I think being financially stable and happy is worth more than any money in the world. Even if someday we do come into loads of money, I will still shop at the thrift store and finds deals on daily items because that is what makes me happy. Thanks so much for writing this, friend!!
I feel the same way, Rachel! You can’t put a price on a happy and stable life. Sending you lots of hugs today. May you find little luxuries from start to finish, CoCo
It’s amazing how hurtful words can be, and it seems we only remember the hurtful ones. The uplifting words vanish in the wake of something negative. I love how you express your feelings here as a lesson for us all.
Coco, I have to admit that I am floored by the ring comment and the other comments made at the blog conference. The irony of the JCrew comment is that many bloggers “buy” clothes, try them on, take photos and send them all back just so they look like they are making money and creating content as well.
I sincerely hope that you do not associate with any of these people.
With age many of these people will hopefully realize that all of the stuff in the world does not make you happy nor it is as valuable as the memories you make with your family and real friends.
I love this post and all of your wisdom. Thank you for sharing the good and the bad. Have a wonderful weekend.
I would like to say first CoCo, I am sharing this on Whimsy Home Wednesday. Some folks need reminders on what is acceptable to say to others.
My husband and I save our money and rehab our home as we can pay cash for repairs and updates. We do not take out loans, it is just the way we do things around here. A “friend” commented when we were looking into adoption, they would allow you to adopt with your home looking like this? Later, her aunt and sister commented about our home, but once they found where we were living, had no more comments. While I admit, there are some rooms out of date, our home is always clean, and we take care of what we have. We live in a very nice neighborhood which allowed us to purchase lower since the home needed so many updates. My 100 year old grandmother loved our home when she walked in. Yes, it looked to be decorated by a granny of her age, but hey, that is all back in now. I was hurt by her comments, and those of other friends, “why can’t you just take out a loan and get it all done at once.” After I fell ill and had to quit working, those friends who commented about our home do not even speak to me. Apparently we do not fit in, but that is ok with me. Who needs friends like that? Your post resonated with me on so many levels, I knew I had to share it. Thank you for being such a wonderful and humble being.
What a beautiful post CoCo. Thank you for the reminder. I’m not only sad that someone would make such a mean-spirited comment like that about your ring. But I was horrified to hear that your fellow bloggers would talk the way they did. I feel rich every day, and it’s not because of money. Hugs to you my friend.
CoCo – I love that you always take the high road. So often, people who make unkind remarks like this are unhappy souls. I try to remind myself of that in these situations. (Although it is difficult). I try to find compassion for someone who is clearly unhappy.
One of the things I love about the south is that there is an intentionality to how things are done. For example, using linen napkins instead of paper napkins. Taking the time to set the table. Making sure there are fresh flowers in the house. Simple things – that aren’t expensive and usually don’t take much time – which make your life feel luxurious. I love this post and your insight into the situation.
After all, we deserve to live a luxurious life and it doesn’t have to cost a penny.
I can hear your grandmother cheering for you in heaven.
Thank you so much for sharing his wisdom… it is my favorite Mother’s Day gift to date!
What an incredibly kind and thoughtful think to say, Trish, thank you so much. I hope your Mother’s Day weekend was filled with amazing little gifts and everything you needed it to be. Hugs, CoCo
While reading your post I wondered what those bloggers would say about my Dollar Tree DIYs, lol!! Oh well, I love adding luxury to my life with budget items that look great! Thanks for sharing your ideas of what luxury means to you! Happy Day, Donna
Oh my goodness! I can’t believe your “friend” said that to you! How hurtful and disrespectful.
I’m so proud of you for figuring out your priorities and holding onto them, regardless of what other people think.
I love the ways that you are living a luxurious life and that you share these wonderful ideas with others, with me.
I also love that everything I read from you is encouraging, when it’s easy to be discouraged in this world.
You are a gem, CoCo–a beautiful treasure like the beautiful ring you wear–and I am grateful that our paths have crossed.