Happy Trails Travel Mix

Happy Trails Travel Mix

Today, I want to share with you a simple travel snack we’ve dubbed, The Happy Trails Travel Mix. I’ve come to realize over the course of various travels and trips there are two different kinds of travelers. There are those people that seek adventure and love a good road trip no matter the destination. And…

The Busy Girl’s Guide to Fall Decorating Home Tour
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The Busy Girl’s Guide to Fall Decorating Home Tour

Fall is hands down our favorite season of the entire year and I know it is for so many of you too. Today, I want to share with you The Busy Girl’s Guide to Decorating for Fall which includes tips and tricks to make the transition from back to school to fall decorating an easy one. Whatever your season of life, we’ve got you covered with quick and easy decorating tips. You ready to get started? We are too…

Fall in Blue Ridge

Fall in Blue Ridge

We arrived home late last night to celebrate Fall in Blue Ridge. We were visiting family for an early Thanksgiving. Normally, I have a full list of places I want to go and new adventures to experience. But this time, I decided to go with the flow and let things happen spontaneously. Here’s a peek into our trip and Fall in Blue Ridge…