From the Front Porch: The Travel Edition

Happy Thursday from the front porch sweet friends and welcome to the travel edition.

Several weeks ago, we were at the grocery store shopping for supplies.

The kitchen at the cabin is small.

So, there’s really only room for essentials.

I was in one of the refrigerated coolers balancing the heavy door on my hip while simultaneously standing on my toes trying to grab a bag of salad on the top shelf when I heard someone let out an extraordinarily heavy sigh.

Then I felt her grocery cart.

As I turned around, I realized I was pinned in the cooler seconds away from full on fight, flight or freeze mode.

My only options were to sit down on the base of the salad shelf or to push the cart back out and hit the lady that had run into me.

Instead, I said, “Is there a problem?”

She paused a minute and sighed again.

“It’s not you,” she said, “It’s me.”  

“It seems like you’re having a hard day,” I replied.

“I am.”

“My husband just died.”

At this point my shopping companion walked away in tears and the people in the produce aisle stopped shopping completely.

I gently pushed the cart towards the lady, got out of the salad cooler and said, “I’m so sorry to hear that, tell me what you need.”

“I don’t really know at this point,” she said stoically.

“I completely understand,” I replied thinking of my uncle who had unexpectedly passed away not even 48 hours earlier as I gently rubbed the outside of her arm.  

“Since we’re in the salad section, let’s get you something healthy and easy for dinner, ok?”

“Ok,” she said.

And with that I helped her find a few things for a simple meal.

When we finished, she burst into tears and said, “I’m so sorry.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for,” I said, “I’m sorry you’re going through this. Grief is such a tough thing to navigate.”

“It’s the worst,” she replied.

“Hang in there,” I said as I gently rubbed her arm again, “It won’t always feel this way.”

And with that we said our goodbyes.

The words, “It won’t always feel this way,” is a soundtrack that has sustained me through some incredibly hard times and one I try to pass along every chance I get.

While it acknowledges what we’re currently going through, it also helps to offer a glimmer of hope that one day things will get better.

So, as we prepare to celebrate a weekend that is joy filled for some and complicated for others, I want you to remember those words.

And no matter how you’re commemorating the day, I want you to take extra special care of yourself.

As always, I’ll be cheering you on.

From the Front Porch: The Travel Edition-The Crowned Goat

A Few of Our Favorite Things from Around the Web This Week…

Beautiful Home and Garden Tours:

Seasonal Inspiration:

Health and Wellness Inspiration:

Style and Travel Inspiration:

Simple Pleasures and Little Luxuries:

  • This dress is giving me J Crew vibes but it’s actually from Walmart.
  • Same with this cardigan.
  • This blazer is cute with the matching shorts and would also look good with white pants.

If You’ve Missed Anything from the Blog or the Archives Recently, Here’s a Peek At What We’ve Been Up To…

Late Spring in Blue Ridge

Late Spring in Blue Ridge-The Crowned Goat

Simple Ways to Be More Organized After a Trip

Simple Ways to Be More Organized After a Trip or Vacation-The Crowned Goat

Our Favorite Travel Essentials

Our Favorite Travel Essentials-The Crowned Goat

How to Bring the Feeling of Vacation Home with You

How to Bring the Feeling of Vacation Home-The Crowned Goat

The Blessing I Almost Missed

The Blessing I Almost Missed-The Crowned Goat

Easy Makeup and Travel Finds We Spotted Online at Amazon This Week…

(Amazon affiliate links have been provided for your convenience. As an Amazon and Impact Media Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Any sales made through such links will support us with a small commission at no extra cost to you. You can read our full disclosure policy here)

Easy Makeup and Travel Finds on Amazon-The Crowned Goat
  • Blush in Rosy (super easy to apply with your fingers or a brush)
  • Eyeshadow Palette (a simple day to night palette)
  • Travel Set (easy to pair with a simple tee so you can wear the matching top or throw it over your shoulders)
  • Water Bottle (my only gripe is that it doesn’t fit in our cupholders but I love everything else about it)
  • Body Wash (love this and the lotion too)
  • Illuminating Gel (add a pump of this to your foundation for a sunkissed glow)
  • Eyeshadow Stick (great for a 5 minute face and comes in so many different colors)
  • Dress (easy to dress up or down while traveling)
  • Luggage Set (have and love, the smallest suitcase is child size tiny though so keep that in mind)
  • Luggage Set (not on the grid but also a pretty alternative if you need a mix and match option)
  • Face Wash (I use this everyday, especially after a long hike)
  • Tinted Moisturizer in Four (have, love and easy to use)
  • Mascara (makes my lashes look a lot longer than they are)
  • Laptop Bag (still holding up well after 6 months)
  • Makeup Bags (I use these all the time and they’re easy to clean too)
  • Vitamin C Serum (great to have if you don’t want to bring all your skincare products on vacation)
  • Concealer in Light Beige (covers my dark circles really well)
  • A Few Other Things of Note…
  • Mineral Sunscreen (have and use daily but be careful not to get it on other items like clothes and purses)
  • Packing Cubes (makes packing so much easier)
  • Jewelry Organizer (keeps delicate jewelry organized)
  • Earrings (I wear these almost everyday)
  • Studs (another budget friendly pair I wear a lot, especially on vacation)
  • Necklace (have had for years and still love)
  • Polish Set (kept my nails pretty for about 2 weeks)

As always, we appreciate you more than you could ever know, and we hope your weekend is peace-filled and relaxing.  We can’t wait to share even more with you next week!

Until next time, I’ll see you on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.

Many blessings,


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  1. Love the dresses this week and the little dog. He is tiny like a stuffed animal. Your bedroom makeover is beautiful. I cant wait to see what happens with your office. Have a great weekend

    1. Thank you so much Sarah! Isn’t Gus just the sweetest little thing? I would not get any work done if that were my dog because I would be playing all the time ha ha. I’ll keep you posted on the office makeover. I’m hoping to get started on it as soon as I catch my breath from the ORC. Hope you have a great weekend too, CoCo

  2. Another wonderful post, CoCo, with so many great photos of your changes and gorgeous style. The last part of your friend losing her dog really resonated with me. I had to have my 15+ Milo put down two days ago and I am grieving so badly. It’s hard. Sending love to your friend who has found a new best friend.

    Jane x

    1. Thank you so much Jane. I know firsthand how hard it is to lose a treasured member of your family and I’m deeply sorry for your loss. It is not easy. Grieve as much as you need to during this time and treat yourself with kindness and grace. You were a great mom to Milo and I know you’ll miss him daily. Sending you lots of hugs and prayers as you go through this journey, CoCo

  3. Dearest CoCo – Thank you so much for sharing our post and joy over adopting sweet Gus! You above everyone knows how hard it is to say goodbye to a beloved fur baby. No one is more surprised than we are, that our hearts were opened to the possibility of a new puppy. Gus is a true gift of love and brings so much happiness with him. Now…not much work is getting done at all at home or on our blog LOL…but he is totally worth the sacrifice. Much love!!

  4. HI Coco! What a gift that the grieving woman bumped into you! And a reminder that a person’s mood or actions rarely have anything to do with us.

    Sharing the tech audit on the Weekend Edit! Happy Thursyay!
    laura in Colorado

    1. I couldn’t agree more with you, Laura. The first sentence of the book The Purpose Driven Life is, “It’s not about you,” and I’ve tried to keep that sentiment from and center in my daily life because you truly never know what people are going through. Especially now days where tearing people down online seems to have become a sport. The digital spring detox post is filled with fabulous tips and I’m so glad it resonated with you too. It’s great to have the tools that will help give you a fresh start no matter what the season. Hope your weekend is filled with all good things, CoCo

  5. Hi Coco,
    So glad you came by and happy you enjoy reading my posts. Thank you for your kind comments about our changes, we have been very happy with them. and yes, we were
    so excited to find that spider, as we were exhausted and wanting to go to bed. Hubby read up on them, and there are these gadgets you plug in that makes some short of high pitch noise, that runs them and some other varmints away. lol Hubby ordered them from Walmart I think, so we should be getting them soon. He read that the spiders start coming inside cause they don’t like the heat………course, I really can’t blame them!! lol
    But we had a number of them last year, so even tho I am empathic, I am not looking to go thru that again!! lol Hubby also put some screen in our A/C vent registers in our bedroom, as he thought they might be coming through there. Not the actual Air Conditioning ducts. We were only brave cause we had to be…………lol
    Thanks for keeping us in your prayers, we so appreciate that hon.
    Hope you have had a good week. I read your last post about the lady in the grocery store. Wow, the Lord knew just who to send her to…….love how you handled that situation, and that lady will remember you and your kindness always. Thanks again
    for coming by…………have to come again so I can read the rest of your post, I have been busy sending out Mother’s day cards.
    Take care, Love and Blessings, Nellie
    Oh yea, so sorry to hear of the loss of your uncle, will be praying for your Aunt and family.

  6. I am so sorry to hear about your uncle CoCo, but you were so sweet to help this lady who needed a helping hand. Sometimes we do not always know what we need, but it sure helps when a stranger lends an ear to help us get through the day. I am sure once she got home, she was thankful for your help in getting her groceries and figuring out dinner.

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