How to Easily Organize Your Handbag

We’re sharing how to easily organize your handbag today!

Truth be told, I’ve always had a Mary Poppins inspired purse.

It doesn’t matter where we are or what my pod is looking for, they know they can usually find it in my bag.

Last year while we were at the cabin, I was headed out the front door when I realized I still had tinted mineral sunscreen on my hands.

Consequently, it had also smeared all over my leather monogrammed purse and on my favorite oxford shirt too.  

In a panic, I ran to the sink to wet a paper towel.

While I was there, I grabbed a big glob of hand soap to help get the excess sunscreen off.

Well, you can probably guess what happened next, I completely ruined my beloved handbag.

It took me a long time to decide on a replacement purse.

Now that I’ve found one though, I’ve decided to organize it a little differently.

One of my biggest tips is to look for a purse or handbag that has multiple dividers and pockets.

I know they’re not always easy to find but creating zones in your handbag really helps to keep things tidy!

Here’s a look at how to easily organize your handbag…

Handbag Organization Supplies

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  • Handbag and Wallet (Lauren Ralph Lauren Hanna Satchel and Tech Wristlet in Lauren Tan)
  • Clear Pouch (this pouch is part of my makeup and travel set)
  • Pill Organizer (multiple colors and sizes available)
  • Reading Glasses Case (mutliple colors available)
  • Reading Glasses (I have the 3 pack)
  • Sunglass Case (multiple colors available)
  • Sunglasses (J Crew)
  • Phone Case (this case is called Royal Flush but Casely has lots of other designs to choose from as well)

Step 1: Declutter

If you’re trying to organize your existing handbag, empty the contents on a large surface like your kitchen table.

That way, you can see everything.

Next, throw away any trash, tissues, or wrappers and file away your receipts.

Step 2: Organize Like Items with Like

As you’re going through the contents of your purse, organize like items together and place them in a pile.

For example, makeup, personal items, medicine, gum, notebooks, etc.

Easily organize your handbag by deciding if you’re going to put the items you have piled up back in your bag.

If they no longer have a place or a purpose in your purse, find a new home for them. 

Also take this time to go through your wallet.

Step 3: Contain

Survey your remaining items and decide how best to contain them.

For example, you can put your makeup, grab and go snacks and other personal items in a clear pouch like this one for easy access.

Likewise, you can keep your medicine organized in a small pill container.

I try to keep headache, stomach ache, and allergy meds on hand because that’s what my family seems to need most.

No matter what container you choose, if any though, make sure it has a safety feature and cannot be easily accessed by curious littles or pets.

You can also easily organize your handbag by keeping your to-do list in the notes app of your phone or in a notebook or journal instead of having scraps of paper clutter up your purse.

Try to find a notebook or a journal that has a pen holder and a file pocket in the back.

It will save you from having to dig through your purse for a pen and you can easily stash receipts in the pocket.

You can find out how to make a custom notebook here.

I keep my errand and to do list in this one and we use it all the time!

How to Easily Customize a Notebook for To Do Lists-The Crowned Goat

If you keep multiple sets of glasses in your purse like reading glasses and sunglasses, consider color coding the cases.

For example, I use a green case for the reading glasses that belong in my purse because my notebook is green. 

I use a brown case for my sunglasses because my purse is brown.

Step 4: Reassess, Adjust, and Maintain

Once you’ve decluttered, organized, and contained your purse items, reassess.

Are your keys and your phone in a pocket or a position that makes it easy to grab and unlock your car?

If you’ve tried to organize your handbag and it still feels cluttered, ask yourself what you need most.

It might be as simple as getting rid of additional items or adding a purse insert with additional pockets.

After you’ve figured out a system that you can maintain, set a reminder and spend a few minutes cleaning out your purse each week.

Organizing Your Handbag: Things to Keep in Mind 

My Mom, sisters, and I are all in different phases of our lives.

So, I asked them for their best tips on how to easily organize your handbag. 

One of my sisters mentioned her kids get a lot of gift cards so she’s intentional about loading them in their respective apps instead of carrying the actual gift cards around in her wallet.

It allows her kids to use their gift any time they want.

She also said, if you’re prone to chaos choose a small purse.

That way, you can’t junk it up.

Another sister has young kids that are always asking for snacks and supplies.

She attaches different colored ribbons to the zippers of her clear pouches.

When the kids ask for a protein bar or a bag of goldfish, she doesn’t have to pull out all the pouches, simply the one with the green ribbon. 

My Mom said, “Make the system so obvious it’s easy to put away,” and I couldn’t agree more.

“Make it Easy and Keep it Simple” have become guiding principles for our family lately.

I hope these tips on how to easily organize your handbag have helped you too!

Until next time, I’ll see you on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.

Many blessings,


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  1. Great tips! I just organized my purse recently, or at least it seems recent. It is already so heavy! I may use the tip of using a small purse so you can’t junk it up! 😀

    1. Having a small purse is my sister’s claim to fame, lol. It was fun to interview each of them to find out what was in their bags! I used to carry all the things but I’ve really cut down to necessities and it makes things so much easier. No more digging and scrambling! Hugs, CoCo

  2. Your new purse and wallet are so pretty! I enjoyed all your tips on how to organize them! I have never seen a pill organizer like that, but I need one! I was just telling Rich I’m tired of putting pills in zippered snack bags that get lost in my bag, lol!! Thanks for sharing your great finds!

    1. I know exactly what you mean, Donna. The pill organizer was a game changer for us because with ages ranging from 10-75 each person seemingly needed something different and it was a lot to keep up with at times. This makes prioritizing specific items so much easier! Hope it helps you too, CoCo

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