This Week’s Tip Sheet: Closet Organization

Hello beautiful friends, welcome to This Week’s Tip Sheet!

If you’ve been following along on our annual 52 Weeks to a Simplified and Organized Home Challenge you know this week is all about decluttering and organizing closets, shoes, bags and accessories in the primary bedroom.

To be perfectly honest, I’ve been a little shocked to discover I have way more winter clothes than any other season which is wild given we live in Florida.

What can I say, I love cozy sweaters.

One thing I started doing last year that I want to continue doing this year is to create seasonal capsule wardrobes and outfit formulas.

It makes getting ready so much easier.

To accomplish this task though, there are a few things I know I need to start doing ASAP…

  • Getting real about my weight, body shape and what actually looks good me vs what looks good on an outfit collage or Pinterest board.
  • Becoming more familiar with the items in my closet and drawers, making pieces visible and taking notes or pictures of outfits I love.
  • Being more thoughtful about my purchases. No playing, I found 4 camel sweaters in almost the exact same shade. I love camel so much, but it usually washes me out.

And things I need to stop doing…

  • Buying and keeping pieces that don’t fit well, are not a flattering color on me, were a “quick fix” because they were on sale, don’t go with other pieces in my wardrobe, don’t fit my current lifestyle or don’t make me feel 100% confident.
  • Keeping sentimental pieces that take up valuable space – so many Christmas pajamas and race day tee shirts!
  • Buying outfits for one or two events and special occasions instead of investing in pieces I can mix and match and wear throughout the year.

Just typing those things out feels like a lot.

But it also feels freeing to know that once you discover your personal style and find pieces that make you feel pulled together, getting dressed becomes more celebration than obligation.

This Week’s Tip Sheet…

Quote of the Week:

I believe one can live many lives through personal style. Every day is an occasion to reinvent yourself ~ Ralph Lauren

This Week’s Big To-Do’s:

  • Declutter and Organize Primary Bedroom Closet
  • Declutter and Organize Shoes and Accessories
  • Donate Gently Used Items
  • Take Items to the Cleaners or Tailor (if needed)
  • Make a List of Missing Wardrobe Pieces to Purchase
  • Leave an Empty Box in Your Closet for Future Donations

This Week’s Tidy Tips:

Declutter and organize your closet items by category.

For example, instead of going through all your clothes at once simply, go through all the sweaters, then your blouses, then the tee shirts, then the jeans and so on until you’ve gone through your entire closet.

It will be less overwhelming than taking everything out of your closet and dumping it on the bed!

Design Your Closet for the Way You Live

Make getting dressed something you look forward to by designing a closet for the way you actually live.

Highlight the pieces you wear most often by making them easily accessible and creating storage systems that are simple to maintain.

Choose a hanger style that is both pretty and practical.

It will help keep your closet neat and tidy.

Use bins and baskets for off season clothes or items that need to be folded.

This will help save space and cut down on visual clutter.

Make Jewelry, Shoes, Belts and Purses Accessible

It will make pulling your outfits together a seamless process.

Keep a Mirror in Your Closet or Your Bedroom

That way you can see how outfits are coming together as you create them.

This Week’s Wellness Tip:

Investing in a capsule wardrobe or your personal style is a simple way to support your well-being each day.

After all, finding ways to feel confident, comfortable, empowered and elegant is ultimately a form of self-care.

So, explore which styles, cuts and necklines look best on your body type, know what colors highlight your favorite features, find a good tailor to help you create a custom look, and keep a folder of pictures and notes of outfits that make you feel amazing.

No matter what your size or stature, getting dressed is a fun way to celebrate your personality and to share the story of who you are and what you value.

As always, I hope these tips have helped!

Cheering you on,


PS: You can find last week’s Tip Sheet here if you missed it.

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  1. Thanks for the tips on what I need to stop doing! Every one of those apply to me! I especially need to stop buying things just because they are on sale, and stop keeping things for sentimental reasons. And yes, most of those are pajamas from Christmas!😂

    1. You are so welcome, Susan. I need those tough love kinds of talks all the time too. They’re kind of brutal at first but in the end they’ve helped to not only change the way I shop but also the way I’m able to save as well which has been really exciting. Sending you hugs and happy organizing, CoCo

  2. There are so many great tips I needed to hear! I was supposed to organize our closet last summer and started, but somehow, I never finished! I have always wanted to have a capsule wardrobe, but I’ve never taken the time to figure it out! I can’t wait to hear how it works for you! Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Speak to my heart, Donna, same! It was hard to go through everything at first and I almost lost my motivation about half way through. But cutting items down to my favorite things really helped. Honestly, it was what I was mostly wearing anyway. I just didn’t want to get rid of those other items “in case” I needed them. Hope these ideas help you too, CoCo

  3. Love these tips for a capsule wardrobe CoCo! One of these days I’m going to do it!

    1. You are so welcome, Cindy. I’m all for anything that helps cut down on decision fatigue in the mornings. Big hugs, CoCo

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