This Week’s Tip Sheet: Organizing Drawers

Hello, beautiful friends.

How are you?

If you’ve been following along on our 52 Weeks to a Simplified and Organized Home Challenge, you know we’re focusing on drawers in the primary bedroom this week.

And not to totally nerd out on you, but I LOVE organizing drawers.

It’s like a game of Tetris come to life!

Over the years, I’ve learned lots of tips and tricks to help drawers stay clutter free and organized.

But it was actually something Dana K. White from A Slob Comes Clean shared at the very beginning of my journey to a more simplified life that was a complete game changer for me.

“Place things where people look for them.”

Which somehow translated to me as, “Place things where you use them.”

At first glance, that seems totally obvious.

More times than not though, the place we would put something vs the place we would look for something is not the same place at all!

For example, I used to keep our essential oils in the same drawer in the kitchen so they would all be together.

One night while I was preparing my nightly diffuser I went to the kitchen to get the essential oil, then back to the bedroom to add a few drops to the diffuser, then back to the kitchen to return the essential oil to its “home base” and realized I was wasting so much time.

Instantly, I knew I needed to make room for the essential oil in the top drawer of the nightstand.

After all, the diffuser sits on top!

Again, looking back, it seems so obvious.

But I’m thankful for the lesson in simplicity because it really helped streamline our nightly routine.

I hope this straightforward idea will help you too.

This Week’s Tip Sheet…

Quote of the Week:

“Clutter is not just physical stuff. It’s old ideas, toxic relationships, and bad habits. Clutter is anything that does not support your better self.” – Eleanor Brown

This Week’s Big To-Do’s:

  • Organize and Declutter Primary Bedroom Nightstand and Desk Drawers 
  • Organize and Declutter Primary Bedroom Dresser and Armoire Drawers
  • Take Note of Items in Drawers That Need to Be Replaced
  • Create a Charging Station for Devices
  • Continue to Prioritize Nightly Routine, Skincare, Positive Sleep Habits and Work on Primary Bedroom Refresh

This Week’s Tidy Tip:

Keeping drawers organized is one of those tasks that looks good in pictures but can sometimes be hard to maintain in real life.

So, decide how you want each drawer in your dresser to be used then organize them by categories.

Make sure your most frequently used categories are the most easily accessible and near the top of your dresser.

For example, you designate three drawers in your dresser for pajamas.

You’ll use one drawer for short sets and nightgowns, one for long sleeve sets and one drawer for winter sets like flannels.

If you’re someone who likes to change into something cozy when you get home from work, consider designating a drawer specifically for comfortable sets.

That way, you’ll have them at the ready and they’ll be easier to put away on laundry day too.

In that same vein, keep your workout sets together.

Given that you generally wear and wash them at the same time, keeping sets together makes it simple to store them that way as well.

You can also use this technique with foundation pieces like bras and undwear.

It took a while, but I finally found a bra and an underwear brand I love.

I bought them both in multiples and it was a game changer.

No more digging around for the “good bra” because they’re all good bras now!

In addition, be sure to use tools like folding boards, drawer dividers, containers, labels and quarterly edits to help keep your drawers clutter free and consistently maintained.

Finally, respect your boundaries.

If you consistently struggle putting away your laundry because your drawers are crammed with stuff, it’s time to set yourself up for success and address the clutter, plain and simple.

This Week’s Wellness Tip:

If the thought of decluttering your dresser drawers feels overwhelming, declutter by category.

It will be a lot easier to pace yourself by going through each category one at a time.

If you’re someone who struggles to stay on task, gamify the situation by setting a timer and choosing a reward in advance.

If you’re someone who struggles to let items go because you think you might need them again, consider placing those items in a lidded container and storing them in your garage or at the top of your closet.

Revisit the items in 3-6 months. You likely won’t need them, but if you do, they’ll be there.

Finally, if you’re someone who wants to go through your dresser drawers without interruption, listen to a podcast or an audio book and take it one drawer at a time.

You’ll be surprised at how quickly the process goes!

Cheering you on,


PS: You Can Find Last Week’s Tip Sheet here, if you missed it.

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  1. Thanks for sharing your tips for organizing drawers! I always come away with a new tip or an idea I have never thought of! I have several “bad” bras that need to leave my drawer, lol!! Have a wonderful week!

    1. I know exactly what you mean, Donna. I have no idea why we hold onto things like that for so long! Several years ago I was properly fitted for a bra and no playing it changed the way my clothes fit and made getting dressed so much easier. Foundational pieces are totally worth the effort and investment. Hugs and happy shopping, CoCo

  2. I love the step by step process, and the idea of just doing one area of the house at a time. It seems less stressful!

    1. Speak to my heart, Susan, I totally agree. This tip has been one of the ones that have helped us most. Especially if you declutter and organize by categories. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve taken everything out of the closets and put it on the bed or taken things out of the cabinets only to be completely overwhelmed by having to put it all back. Declutter and organizing by categories helps to make things more manageable. Hope this helps, CoCo

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