Yearly Goals List
We’re sharing our Yearly Goals List and the action steps we’ll be taking to achieve them. We’re also including a few tools we found on Amazon to help make life easier this year!
After an incredibly busy holiday season, I found myself excitedly prepping for the New Year.
I had my calendar filled out, fully embraced the Word of the Month, our January meal plan was ready to go and I had started nailing down the best way to tweak our morning routine.
Monday and Tuesday I was on fire (or as on fire as you can be while recovering from cold and flu season).
Each morning I woke up eager to write in my gratitude journal and begin my fitness routine. And every night I was tickled pink to check things off my to-do list.
By Wednesday I was in bed with a raging migraine and I was SO frustrated.
I instantly thought, “Here we go! It hasn’t even been three days into the New Year and I’m already off track!”
But I knew I couldn’t sit in that space very long or it would completely hijack the day.
So, I started listing all the small things that had gone right.
And I gently reminded myself there were still 361 days left in the year.
After resting most of the day, I felt so much better.
Not only because I had given myself grace.
But because I had also actively listened and given my body exactly what it needed.

Embracing a No-Pressure January…
I share this because the minute the clock strikes midnight, we seem to put a lot of pressure on ourselves to start tackling our goals, dreams, resolutions, and intentions immediately.
And while that mindset can be very alluring, it can also bring about complicated feelings if we’re still struggling with holiday fatigue or if things don’t work out as we plan.
So, as you go about your day today, I hope you’ll take time to notice those small tweaks that can help make your life better or easier.
Big goals are great – don’t get me wrong – they’re definitely necessary for growth.
Often though, it’s the tiny steps we take each day that consistently have the most lasting impact on our lives.

Here’s a look at our Yearly Goals List and the action items we’re taking to achieve them…
Overall Health, Wellness & Skincare Yearly Goals:
*To feel healthy from the inside out*
Health Action Steps…
- Make Daily Healthy Meal/Drink Choices (AM Green Drink)
- Prioritize Daily Hydration (Water before coffee and Refill Water Bottle Before Bed)
- Continue Positive Sleep Hygiene Practices
- Continue Mental Health/Anxiety Disorder Progress
- Move No Less Than 20-45 Minutes Each Day (Prioritize AM Walk or Bike and PM Yoga)
- Work to Lessen Monthly Migraines

Wellness Action Steps…
- Continue Daily Gratitude Journal Practice
- Make Progress on Morning Pages
- Continue Daily Devotional
- Use Word of the Month Activities
- Take Weekends Off
- Continue Weekly Planning/Self Care Sunday Sessions
- Keep Sunday Sacred
- Connect with Others
- Go On 1 Trip Each Quarter
- Address Tech Neck Situation
- Learn How to Use Health Apps/Settings on iWatch/iPhone More Efficiently
- Continue to Prioritize Piper’s Anxiety/Behavior/Mental Wellness

Beauty and Personal Style Action Steps…
- Continue AM/PM Skincare Routine (I use this brand and love it)
- Develop a Simple Make Up Routine and Buy New Makeup
- Find a Fresh Hairstyle
- Replace Undergarments and PJ Sets
- Declutter Closet
- Replace Clothing Basics
- Order Lounge Sets
- Buy White Sneakers
- Organize Jewelry

Overall Home & Personal Development Yearly Goals:
*To Create Simple Systems That Work*
- Tuesday Night Weekly Refrigerator/Pantry Clean-Out Sessions
- Wednesday Night Weekly Grocery Pick Up, Car Service, Errand Run, Trash Pick Up
- Participate in 52 Weeks to Simplified and Organized Home Challenge
- Continue Modern Day Cleaning Schedule
- Continue Monthly Menu Planning and Meal Share Responsibilities
- Daily 15-Minute Clutter Catcher
- Declutter – Make 52 Trips to the Donation Center This Year
- Organize – Add Organization Systems to All Drawers and Closets
- Complete Garage and Attic Makeover
- Finish Laundry Room Makeover
- Address Current Window/Blinds Situation
- Buy a New Rug for the Entry
- Use Office More
- Embrace Automation Features
- Host More Family Dinners
- Grow Container Gardens on the Front and Back Porch

Personal Development…
- Read or Listen to a Book a Month
- Attend 52 Masterclasses
- Attend 4 Retreats
- Practice Using 6D Camera More
- Learn How to Make Videos
- Learn to Love IG Again

Incorporating Our Yearly Goals List Into Our Daily Lives…
While this list might seem extensive, you’ll notice there are only 2 overall goals for the entire year.
- To feel healthy inside and out
- To create simple systems that work.
Most of the action items I’ve listed are things that have already been incorporated into our daily, weekly, and monthly lives which feels like an awesome head start.
We’ve worked hard to develop rituals and routines that work well for our family. We just need to tweak them a bit and make them more consistent.
Especially, during busy seasons which frequently trip us up.
We tend to prioritize other people’s needs over our own. And if I’m being completely honest, it leaves us frazzled, overwhelmed, and sometimes grumpy.
After all, boundaries can be tough sometimes. But they are necessary components for growth and change.

I know there will be times we take two steps forward and feel like we’re making big progress only to be thrown a life curveball and have to take one step back.
It doesn’t make those two steps forward any less significant though.
For every minute spent developing healthy habits, making little tweaks as needed, and choosing progress over perfection is a step in the right direction.
Never doubt, you are worth the investment.

Here Are a Few Tools We’re Using This Year to Help Reach Our Goals…
(Amazon affiliate links have been provided for your convenience. As an Amazon and Impact Media Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Any sales made through such links will support us with a small commission at no extra cost to you. You can read our full disclosure policy here)

Greens (my Mom is trying this brand) and (I’m trying this brand.) * Planner (have and love) * Water Bottle (have and love) * Button Down (such a great basic) *
AirPods Pro (great for podcasts while working out) * Collagen Powder (currently using daily) * Drawer Organizers (have and love) * Leggings (19 color options)
Journal (have and love) * Apple Watch (currently learning how to use more efficiently) * Golden Milk Latte Mix (excited to try) * Card Organizer (desperately need to keep us better organized)
Rug (considering for the entry) * Hangers (currently on my closet makeover wish list) * Camera (have and love, just need more practice) * Liquid IV (currently use the minute I feel a migraine coming on)
Let us know what goals, dreams, resolutions, intentions, or themes you’re working on this year! Until next time, I’ll see you on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.
Many blessings,
Hey CoCo, sorry to hear you had a migraine! I’ve only had one in my whole life, and it was terrible! So glad you rested and started feeling better! After reading this, I think there are a few things I need to add to my list! A good skin care routine needs to go to the top!! My age is starting to show!!! Here’s to meeting our goals in 2023!! Hugs, Donna
Oh my goodness, Donna, you are right, migraines are so painful. I usually have 2 a month so I’m really working to make healthier choices to try and mitigate them. This is the first year I’ve invested in a skincare routine. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been a drugstore girl for so long or that I’ve been using the products more consistently but I can definitely tell a huge difference. Can’t wait to hear what goals you have. I’ll definitely be cheering you on! Big hugs, CoCo
You are amazing! You’re always on top of your plans and goals
I need to some of your goals and incorporate them into my life. What an amazing list. Thanks so much for sharing to the Fabulous Friday Link Party.
I loved your suggestion for the Green Superfoods, this makes adding more greens into a day so much easier. The clear drawer organizers were also such a smart idea. These would make seeing what is actually in a drawer so much easier.
I love reading your posts CoCo! This one is so inspiring! I want to read more actual books this year. I listen to a lot of podcasts and audiobooks so that’s something. But I miss sitting down and reading beside a fire inside or outside on my front porch when it is warm. I’m cheering you on to learn more about your camera and practice with it!! And yay for learning video!