From the Front Porch

Happy Thursday from the front porch sweet friends and welcome to the Loblolly Update edition.

It’s great to be back home and spending time with you today!

As I shared in last week’s From the Front Porch: Spring into Summer Edition post I spent the entire week and most of the weekend working from my parent’s primary home helping them declutter and organize all the things.

While there’s still a lot that needs to be done, I feel like we finally have an organization system they’ll be able to maintain moving forward.

This week as I was going through all the comments and messages from that post I noticed there were two very common sentiments I wanted to address today.

The first is just how easy it is to get overwhelmed when it comes to decluttering and organizing.

Especially, with spaces we use every day like drawers, cabinets, and closets, or in rooms that have been designated as “junk rooms.”

“I don’t even know where to start,” was a phrase my Mom kept repeating over and over again during our time together.

It’s such a common sentiment because it can easily feel like every nook and cranny needs to be addressed immediately.

And most people want to tackle it all right then just to get it over with.

The thing is, that’s usually the exact mentality that leads to decluttering and organizing burnout.

Especially, if you’re already feeling overwhelmed.

So, I told my Mom to start with one space.

She chose her dressing closet.

Then I told her to pick a small category within the closet.

She chose her purses.

After she had decluttered all her purses, we organized the ones she wanted to keep, and we put them away.

Then she chose her shoes…her jewelry…her shirts…her pants…her dresses…her pajamas…you get the idea.

Breaking down each task by category, gave my Mom plenty of time to carefully consider what she wanted to keep, trash or donate.

It also gave her short term focus and helped alleviate overwhelm because she knew she didn’t have to clean out the entire closet, she merely had to go through one category at a time.

The second common thing I noticed was just how shame inducing clutter and disorganization can be.

While my parents were at an appointment one morning, I emptied the contents of their long double vanity.

I laid every single item from their drawers and cabinets out on the floor so I could categorize them. 

I was so in the zone, I never heard my parents walk into the bathroom until my Dad said, “What is all this! It looks like a Walgreens in here! Where did all this stuff come from!” and my Mom immediately put her hands over her face and said, “OMG THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING.”

To me, it was no big deal.

Honestly, it wasn’t that bad.

My garage looks a million times worse.

But to them, it was embarrassing because they had no idea just how much stuff they had accumulated until they saw it all together.

For example, 8 containers of dental floss, 6 containers of shampoo and conditioner, 4 containers of deodorant, 3 bags of half empty cotton balls…I could go on. 

I don’t share these things to things to throw my parents under the bus.

Truly, they are two of the most “company ready” people I know.

They host a ton of events, so their house is always clean.

I share it as a simple reminder that we all have areas of our home and our lives that could use a little tweaking.

There is no need to be embarrassed or feel shame.

In the words of Maya Angelou, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

For every drawer, cabinet, closet, pile of procrastination, junk room or garage is merely an invitation to do better whether that be as a more mindful shopper, to hire help, to discontinue shopping habits formed at the height of Covid, to finally address grief, mental health or wellness issues, or as an opportunity to live a more elegant life.

Always remember, you have the power to change the way you live.

Cheering you on as you give yourself grace and find the courage to start small one day at a time.

A Few of Our Favorite Things from Around the Web This Week…

Beautiful Home and Garden Tours:

Seasonal Inspiration for Memorial Day:

Health and Wellness Inspiration:

Style and Travel Inspiration:

Simple Pleasures and Little Luxuries:

If You’ve Missed Anything from the Blog or the Archives Recently, Here’s a Peek At What We’ve Been Up To…

Primary Bedroom Makeover Reveal at Loblolly

European Cottage Inspired Primary Bedroom Makeover at Loblolly-The Crowned Goat

Headboard Makeover Reveal at Loblolly

Painted Headboard in Bauhaus Buff-The Crowned Goat

DIY Vintage Bucket Label

How to Create DIY Vintage Bucket Labels-The Crowned Goat

Simple Breakfast Grazing Board

Simple Breakfast Grazing Board-The Crowned Goat

You can find last week’s From the Front Porch: Spring Into Summer Edition here, if you missed it…

From the Front Porch: Spring Into Summer Edition-The Crowned Goat

Spring to Summer Neutrals We Spotted Online at Amazon This Week…

(Amazon affiliate links have been provided for your convenience. As an Amazon and Impact Media Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Any sales made through such links will support us with a small commission at no extra cost to you. You can read our full disclosure policy here)

Spring to Summer Neutrals We Found on Amazon-The Crowned Goat
  • Shirt Dress (comes in so many colors, can easily be dressed up or down, only has a few buttons near the top and it has pockets!)
  • Straw Bag (such a pretty shape)
  • Book (so excited for this book to come out, available for pre-order now)
  • Napkins (a classic French country vibe for summer)
  • Earrings (these viral earrings can be worn with so many things)
  • Crewneck Cardigan (comes in a lot of different colors and is thin enough to layer without being too hot)
  • Ribbon (a fun addition to your tote or hair)
  • Pillow Covers (love the trim on these, they also come in lots of other colors – the olive green is dreamy)
  • Sheet Set (on the fence about microfiber sheet sets but these have great reviews, has anyone tried them?)
  • Bangles (comes in gold and silver, the big chunky one is cute too)
  • Maxi Dress (meant to be worn like a caftan)
  • Sunnies (also come in a cute tortoise, cream and fun yellow)
  • Rug (hoping to snag this rug while it’s on sale for our porch and patio)
  • Storage Bins (we use both the large and the jumbo in so many closets)
  • Loafers (imagine these loafers with white pants and the shirt listed below – instant quick and easy outfit)
  • Striped Shirt (also comes in several colors)

I know Memorial Day and Memorial Weekend is not easy time for Gold Star families. I’m sending lots of love, hugs and prayers your way this weekend.  

You are not forgotten.

Until next time, I’ll see you on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.

Many blessings,


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  1. Hey CoCo – You are always an inspiration. For us, when company arrives it is the perfect excuse to ditch the healthy eating plan. Kudos to you for sticking with it! Can’t wait to hear your Summer plans. Enjoy your fun filled weekend! Hugs to you!

  2. Coco,
    I hope you have a wonderful Memorial weekend! Thanks for sharing my Patriotic ideas.

  3. CoCo, This is great advice on how to break organizing down into small doable chunks! I know your mom and dad are so happy to have your help and guidance in this area! I love the Maya Angelou quote! I can’t believe this is Memorial Day weekend and I’m excited to check out all of your links! Thanks so much for including my patriotic mantle, I greatly appreciate it! Enjoy the long weekend!!

  4. Hi Coco,
    Loved your post…….so nice that you go over and help your family the way you do……….and loved the advice you gave your Mom to pick a spot to start, that always helps me…..but loved that when she said her closet you said and pick one area, purses, shoes etc. Cause I use the pick a spot thing all the time in my yard or in my house when I feel overwhelmed cause once I find a spot to start I am good, and I also know how to break down my time and work say 20 – 30 mins. every day I can till said task is done, but never thought about breaking down the items in the closet. That was music to my ears and so enlightening to me. So Thanks.
    Also loved the Maya Angelou quote as well…… good!!
    Hope you have a delightful weekend,
    Blessings, Nellie

  5. I am going to follow the advice you gave your mother when working to organize a closet Breaking down each task by category is less intimidating that trying to tackle the whole project at once.

  6. Organizing in chunks like this seems so much easier! I always tackle a whole room and end up with such a mess! It can be overwhelming! I think I will try your categories this summer. Thanks for sharing!

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