Summer Bucket List Themes and Ideas

We’re sharing summer bucket list themes and ideas today!

Nearly every year for as long as I can remember our summers and our bucket lists have been themed in some way.

While that might seem kind of boring at first, choosing a theme allows us to get clear on everything from our summer bucket list ideas to weekly menu plans to travel and excursion itineraries.

So, it’s in that spirit, I wanted to share some of our favorite summer bucket list themes and ideas.

In case you need some easy inspiration too.

Summer Bucket List Themes and Ideas-The Crowned Goat

Here’s a look at our Summer Bucket List Themes and Ideas…

French Country Inspired Summer

Last year, my parents spent three weeks in Europe and came home just before the summer season began.

As you can imagine, my Mom was still on cloud 9 when she returned. 

To help keep the European bliss going, we created a French Country Inspired Summer Bucket List

We also began working on projects at my childhood home, Loblolly, so my Mom could finally realize her dream of bathing everything in shades of white, camel, and gray.

Being surrounded by French linens, breakfast trays with crepes, scouring flea markets for European inspired finds and many other things in between truly made for a terrific summer.

French Country Inspired Summer Bucket List Themes and Ideas-The Crowned Goat

A Cabin Inspired Summer Bucket List Themes and Ideas

Another exciting summer was the summer we created a list of Adult Summer Camp Ideas on our way to the cabin.

Despite spending time there throughout the year, it had been such a tough season for our family we almost didn’t go.

Looking back, I’m thankful we forged ahead because that summer at the cabin was the summer we discovered new trails, waterfalls, delicious restaurants, and a blessing I almost missed.

Self-Care and Slowing Down Summer Bucket List Theme and Ideas

Several years ago, after a conversation with a dear friend, we created a Self-Care Summer Bucket List.

It was a fun list because it helped to provide clarity on our priorities and encouraged us to put the art of slowing down front and center.

 And in some ways, this post, A Summer Slow Down, was the catalyst for this year’s summer bucket list theme and ideas.

Gosh was it both scary and humbling to realize not a lot had changed since I wrote it.

Self Care and Slowing Down Summer Bucket List Themes and Ideas-The Crowned Goat

Summer Health and Wellness Bucket List…

This year, our summer bucket list theme and ideas are focused on health and wellness.

As some of you know I had Covid and Strep at the same time about 9 months ago and I’ve had a much harder time bouncing back than I could have ever imagined.

While everyone around me seems to have handled it without any trouble, for some reason it seems to have set off a chain of reactions in my body that have been extraordinarily unexpected and at times difficult to navigate.

So, this summer I’m excited to dive deeper into a comprehensive wellness plan to help figure out what I can do to not only get healthy but to stay that way as well.

As always, your healthcare provider will be able to offer the best solution for your specific needs.

But if you’re curious to learn more about wellness topics in general, Season 7 of Tell Me More hosted by Kelly Corrigan on PBS has been fascinating.

In addition, Camille Styles has a 28 Day Self Care Summer Challenge on her blog and The Everygirl also has a 31 Day Best Self Summer Challenge that might give you fun ideas as well.

Health and Wellness Summer Bucket List Themes and Ideas-The Crowned Goat

Other Summer Bucket List Themes and Ideas to Consider…

  • Design a quiet luxury or simple pleasures bucket list.
  • Create a bucket list inspired by the beach or your favorite coastal city.
  • Rediscover your love of horses with an equestrian inspired summer.
  • Visit all the National or State Parks in the US
  • Plan a European vacation or a safari.
  • Celebrate the Olympics
  • Create a bucket list inspired by space.
  • Craft a bucket list dedicated to gardening or your favorite hobby.
  • Plan a sweet summer by learning how to bake or decorate cakes.
  • Do something from your childhood with your kids.
  • Design a theme park inspired bucket list.
  • Learn more about manifestation and vision boarding.
  • Create a museum or art retreat bucket list.
  • Make a Home décor and DIY summer bucket list.
  • Design a sleep essentials inspired summer.
  • Try 80s or 90s inspired summer bucket list themes and ideas.
  • Craft a summer reading, movie watching or concert hopping bucket list.
  • Create a Bridgerton themed summer.
  • Make an eco-friendly themed summer bucket list.
Summer Bucket List Themes and Ideas-The Crowned Goat

When it comes to summer bucket list themes and ideas truly the sky is the limit.

So, think about what you truly need most this summer and create a list that makes you want to jump out of bed!

Until next time, I’ll see you on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.

Many blessings,


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  1. Every year I begin a list of things I want to do, and I never seem to make it even a quarter of the way through… but I am happy to share with you CoCo that I am working on getting organized, bit by bit. I am also changing things up in our home to better reflect me and my personality. It is sad to say, it has taken me this long to get things under way. I recently worked on a project that gave me confidence using some power tools, and I am now a hanging machine, the walls are being filled with items I have been holding on to. My husband despises things on the walls, but since I am hanging all of these things myself, well, let’s just say, we may not have any walls left when I am finished. teehee, maybe that was a bit far, but I am enjoying myself none the less.

    1. This makes me so excited to hear, Cara! It does take a while to understand your style. Sometimes, it depends on the kind of house you live and other times it’s more about what season of life you’re in but I’m tickled pink that you’re learning new skills and trying new things. It makes such a big difference when you can live in a home that you truly love and rises up to greet you. Big hugs, CoCo

  2. I love reading your blog not only for inspiration but self care/wellness ideas. I am now learning to understand and cope with serious health issues of which keep me inside from May to Sept here in SouthCarolina. The heat and humidity aggravate everything. Its been a struggle as I love my gardening. I am testing out how I will do going back to NY in the Adirondacks for a week in July to gather with most of my family from my Dad’s side. I’m learning to rest, and be okay with that. I have started back w my art, which helps on my days off from work. I can say I have finished more projects inside and learned new skills. I am working to accept that I will need to sell this house for something more manageable and mostly one floor as I progress in my health issues. Pretty heavy summer but I really am positive that all the changes, including buying a treadmill, will help me. Staying positive, and moving forward has been my motto for the past 13 years after I became a single mom. Keep posting I appreciate your blog and efforts every time it reaches my inbox.

    1. This melts my heart in the best possible way, Kristen. Thanks so much for your thoughtful words. I am excited to hear you’ve found tools to help make things more manageable from trialing a week in the Adirondacks, getting back to your art, acquiring new skills, finishing projects inside and learning to rest. It’s so important to know what works well for you and your health and to keep at it even when things feel pretty heavy. Every step no matter how big or small is a step in the right direction and I’m cheering you on as you stay positive and discover what makes your heart sing. I know first hand heart work is not easy work but it will always be worth the extra effort. Thank you for being such a valuable part of this community and for showing your immediate and extended family what it means to live each day with purpose. Big hugs, CoCo

  3. Coco, this is such a wonderful and comprehensive post. With all of your fabulous suggestions there is no reason not to make a bucket list.
    I hope that you have an amazing summer and accomplish all of the things on your list and in your house.
    We have a list of house projects as well, one of which is getting the house repaired from the tree falling on it. While that is getting fixed we are having 2 bathrooms remodeled.
    I shared a link to this post on my own bucket list post of 2024.
    Have a wonderful week!

    1. That is so sweet of you, Elizabeth, thank you so much for the shout out. I’m excited to see how the bathrooms come together. I know having a tree fall on your house is probably not the way you wanted to kick off your renovations but I’m grateful you’ll be able to take advantage of the opportunity. One of my good friends read this post and said, “Maybe your summer theme should be ‘taking care of business’ instead of ‘health and wellness'” which totally gave me the giggles. I said, “taking care of business IS health and wellness” 🙂 So I’m wishing you a summer season filled with all good things as you take care of business items both big and small. Hugs, CoCo

  4. I love the idea of developing a theme for a summer bucket list! Thanks for sharing themes you’ve used in the past!
    I know how difficult it can be to deal with long-term health conditions and I hope you have a very restful summer and get answers to your health questions! I am finally getting some answers for mine, but it has taken months of doctor appointments and tests! I’m praying for you and sending hugs, my friend!

  5. I love reading all your ideas and inspiration for your bucket list. So many creative ideas to make a meaningful summer.

  6. CoCo – You always have the best posts because you tap into larger themes and life experiences that are common to so many of us. I always say summer is like fitting 10 pounds of sand into a 5 pound sack. Right?
    On one hand – I am so excited to be outside and to do ALL THE THINGS. Birthdays, picnics, graduations, pool parties, hiking, beach walks, traveling, kayaking, gardening . . .
    On the other hand – It is completely overwhelming and stressful because how do I find time in my already packed calendar for more activities?
    Anyway – love all your tips and ideas. Let me say – you make the world a better place.

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