Summer Bucket List Ideas
Today, we’re sharing 50 summer bucket list ideas today!
Several years ago when my bestie S was finally making the transition from a wheelchair to crutches, we met a few friends for dinner.
It was an event that had been on her bucket list since the accident.
To say we were thrilled to get out of the house for an activity that was not related to doctors and physical therapy appointments was an understatement.

Weaving Your Word of the Year Into Your Summer Bucket List Ideas…
I’m not really sure how we got on the subject.
But we started talking about how easy it was to get off track with goals and dreams once the newness of January and February wore off.
In addition, while we were still excited about the goals we had set in early January, we realized how difficult it had become to remain motivated to reach those goals as the days stretched into weeks and the weeks into months.
Especially, when our “real lives” started slowly taking over our calendars.
Honestly, it’s something I hear all the time from my sisters, fellow bloggers, friends, and you.

Well, that conversation led to us discussing our Word of the Year and our summer bucket list ideas too.

A Bold Declaration…
We were all going around the dinner table talking about the progress we had made on our goals and Word of the Year when we got to one of S’s closest and most trusted friends.
“I’m doing great on all my goals,” she said.
“But I’m too embarrassed to tell you my Word of the Year.”

To be honest, we all kind of looked at each other dumbfounded because this lady is a total rock star.
She’s fought several battles with cancer, raised four great kids, run multiple successful businesses, and contributes to her church and community in a big way.
Further, she still finds time to do special things for her husband, family, friends, neighbors and coworkers.

We all sat there silent for a few seconds when she finally said, “I’m just worried if I tell you my word you’re either gonna laugh at me or you’ll think I’m selfish. Either way, I’m too embarrassed to say.”
Of course, we all immediately started reassuring her there were no embarrassing Words of the Year.
A few minutes later she sucked in her breath and said, “Ok, here goes. I’ve got to step out of my comfort zone sometime. My Word of the Year is….”
…and then she said her name.

Making Yourself a Priority This Summer…
We sat quietly as she explained why she had chosen her name.
She recounted the tough years of being a mom, the constant changes at work, her time as a caregiver to an ailing mother, the many months spent at the hospital and doctor appointments waiting for cancer treatments, and ultimately the untold stress it had all taken on her spirit.

She didn’t need to justify herself to any of us.
Yet she laid out her case so succinctly that I’ve often thought about the conversation as I’ve grappled with my own struggles all these months later.

From Burnout to Breakthrough…
About this time nearly every year, I find myself with an empty creativity tank and teetering on the edge of burnout.
It’s not because I don’t love this job.
This job is a ton of work and the landscape of what is expected has changed drastically since I began. But it feels like a dream job more days than not.
In fact, I love it so much that most of the time my brain doesn’t turn off no matter how physically tired I am or how emotionally drained I’ve become from decision fatigue.
You might find yourself feeling that same way right now as well.

Being Intentional This Summer…
Last year, we spent some of the summer rediscovering small towns.
This year, we’re making a deliberate effort to add more fun into our schedules, develop healthy habits and routines, celebrate self-discovery, embrace change, fill our creativity tanks with new adventures, simplify our homes, and be intentional about carving out white space in our calendars.

We’re boldly claiming our names for the summer and getting back to the things we love most.
We hope you will too!

Now you might be thinking, the Summer of _______________ (fill in your name) sounds awesome. But there is no way I can _______________ (fill in your excuse).

Let me reassure you, that your summer bucket list ideas can celebrate everything that makes you special while still working a full-time job, being a wife, mom, sister, daughter, friend, or caregiver.
You just have to make it a priority.
Most importantly, you have to be willing to invest in yourself and the things that matter most to you.
So, what does the Summer of ____________ (fill in your name) look like, you ask?
It means you make the time to…

Summer Bucket List Ideas…
- Say yes to the things you really want to do
- Say no to the things you feel obligated to do or are only doing out of guilt
- Enjoy a summer sunrise or sunset
- Do a 48-hour social media detox
- Plan a vacation or a staycation
- Find a good summer read
- Finish a goal you’ve been putting off for too long
- Host a slumber party with your sisters, besties, or girlfriends
- Try a new recipe
- Take a day trip
- Go on a date with yourself
- Invite someone new to coffee, lunch, or dinner
- Send a postcard or start a letter-writing campaign to friends and loved ones
- Pick fruits or vegetables from a roadside stand, a farmer’s market, or a you-pick farm
- Create healthy routines for skincare and cleaning
- Pray, meditate or practice gratitude daily
- Live out your affirmations
- Plan a progressive supper with your family, friends, or neighbors
- Start a journal
- Learn a new skill or hobby
- Stop negative self-talk
- Do something out of your comfort zone
- Become more self-aware
- Be inspired by TED Talks or podcasts
- Practice random acts of kindness
- Find ways to turn obstacles into opportunities
- Apologize first
- Enjoy nature with a walk on the beach, a day at the lake, or a fun hike
- Replace a bad habit with a good one
- Start & finish a new home project
- Be a cheerleader
- Go all day without complaining
- Treat yourself to something special
- Take more pictures or commit to photo walks each week
- Explore a new city
- Start juicing
- Save the planet and go green
- Prioritize rest and good sleep hygiene
- Create healthy meals
- Exercise
- Write a letter to your future self about how awesome you are
- Take action
- Turn off the TV
- Go to an outdoor movie or concert
- Commit to your personal growth
- Make homemade ice cream
- Go swimming
- Start a beach shell or wildflower collection
- Plant a veggie or container garden
- Rediscover the things you loved most about sleepaway camp

The Summer of You…
I know these summer bucket list ideas look like a lot.
But can we just be honest for a second?
How many times do we say we’re going to do something that is really important to us only to let the entire summer slip away without taking action?

I’m not judging at all because I’ve found myself in the same position multiple summers too.
The thing is, I know we can be better than that.
We just have to be intentional about it and take our summer back.

Even if we’re only able to do one activity each week from our summer bucket list, we’ll have celebrated 15 adventures from Memorial Day to Labor Day.
That feels like a win, doesn’t it?

Making the Most of The Summer Season…
So, let’s flip the script and vow that this year really is going to be our year.
The year we take full advantage of our summer by letting go of the excuses and finally taking action.
Let’s honor what makes us special and unique by prioritizing our needs without feeling guilty about it. And by doing more of the things that make us happy and less of the things that make us feel obligated to gratify the expectations of others.

Let’s be bold and claim our names and celebrate the Summer of ______________ (insert your name) and a summer bucket list ideas full of fresh adventures and opportunities.

Are you with me?

What’s on your summer bucket list this year? We’d love to hear all about it! Until next time, I’ll see you on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.
Many blessings,
Love this list summer bucket list and the goats too Coco. You definitely look like youre in your element. I cant wait for the Summer of Bonnie to begin.
YES, Bonnie! The Summer of Bonnie is going to be amazing. I can’t wait to hear all about everything you guys are up to. Girl you know I love goats any time of the year. Just looking at them makes me happy so you can imagine how ecstatic I was to get to pet them too ha ha! Hugs, CoCo
Dear CoCo,
What a beautiful listing – so many things sound wonderful and actually doable! 🙂 I love the sweet little goats – we sometimes call Annie (our Beagle mix) a little goat – with her long ears, sometimes she really looks like one!! Animals are the best de-stressor! I truly am so thankful to hear S’s good news – she has been in my prayers and on my heart for all these months! I was so surprised to read about your Dad’s heart attack, but thankful to hear that he is healing so quickly! My husband had a widow maker’s blockage a couple of years ago and had emergency surgery. We were so shocked – no heart disease in his family and he had such a vague sign of a heart problem that we didn’t even realize what it was. Thankfully he didn’t have that “one and only” heart attack and healed quickly. As you very well know – our lives can take a different turn in an instant! But as I’ve said many times – you are AMAZING – I want to be just like you when I grow up! (Although I’m already many years ahead of you – in age only!) Thinking of you and always ready to see what beautiful changes you’ve made. XO
You always leave me the sweetest messages, Patty, thank you so much! I can only imagine how cute Annie is with those sweet ears. I bet they’re enough to melt your heart immediately. S has definitely had a long haul but we are beyond excited that she continues to recover and is healing more each day. She has just a few tendon issues that need to be resolved but honestly they feel like a piece of cake compared to everything else. We know your prayers played a huge role in her recovery process and we can’t thank you enough for lifting her up. As far as my Dad goes, we were floored when they said he had to have emergency surgery due to a blockage as well. I mean, he’s still pretty young in his late 60s and is super active and rarely sick so we were shocked too. I’m thankful your husband has continued to heal as well. I know you guys have a tight and loving family. It’s scary (and also a blessing) to know they’ve been given second chances. Sending you lots of love and hugs sweet friend. I always appreciate your sweet and kind words, CoCo
OMG – it’s so funny to pop-in here today and read your bucket list…as we just posted ours today! LOL We too grappled with making a list, but after spending some quality family time together – and facing some challenges ahead – we decided that time passes too quickly. If we don’t write it down, it won’t happen. S’s friend is a genius for creating a demand for herself and making herself a priority! Cheers to all of us for the summer ahead. Much love to all!
I don’t think I have read anything this profound in quite awhile. Thanks so much for the writing and posting of this…we do get lost in doing everything for everyone other than ourselves. Grins and thanks, Sandi
That’s so sweet of you to say, Sandi, thank you! I completely understand how easy it is to get caught up doing so much for everyone else that we put ourselves last the on list. We are totally worth taking the time to do the things that make us happy though. I’m hoping to take steps in taking more time for those things this summer and I hope you are too. I’m believing big that the Summer of Sandi is going to be filled with exciting adventures. Big hugs, CoCo
Hey CoCo! I love the idea of making a summer bucket list! You have so many great suggestions on yours! I rarely prioritize myself, so The Summer of Donna sounds intriguing! I am so thankful for all of the inspiration you provide! Hope you have a fabulous summer! Blessings, Donna
YES! You totally should claim the Summer of Donna! I can’t even tell you how many of my friends (especially the ones with kids) have completely forgotten about the hobbies or things that used to interest them before a busy home and family life started taking over their calendars. Setting time aside to do the things you love is so important. I’m excited for you. Big hugs, CoCo