ORC: Pantry and Kitchen Makeover Reveal
Today, we’re excited to celebrate Week 6 and the finale of the One Room Challenge by sharing our pantry and kitchen makeover reveal!
As always, a special thank you to Stencil Revolution for sponsoring our pantry makeover. To Linda, creator of the One Room Challenge and media partners Better Homes and Gardens and the Home Love Network thank you for hosting this event.
Fighting to the Finish Line
If you had asked me, even a week ago, if I thought we would finish the One Room Challenge my answer would have been no.
To be perfectly honest, had it not been for so many people helping to rally us to the finish line the pantry and kitchen makeover reveal would not have been completed in time.
I knew when we started the One Room Challenge, trying to finish both a pantry and a kitchen makeover in six short weeks would create a tight timeline.
But given neither the pantry nor the kitchen needed a major overhaul, it didn’t really seem like that lofty a goal.
Pantry Makeover Progress
Weeks 1, 2 and 3 found us working on the pantry which went through the biggest change of all. We painted the walls in Valspar’s Bistro White.
Then we stenciled the walls with a French Bee Trellis Stencil from Stencil Revolution. It made for such a fun change.
We framed the window. Then added a $3 thrifted window pediment I picked up while we were at the cabin.
We changed out the builder grade light for a new chandelier as well.
Creating a Pet Feeding Station
To create a pet feeding station, we repurposed an old stock cabinet from Lowes.
We had previously been using a nightstand as a pet feeding station. But it was really too short and too small to fit our daily needs.
The new and improved pet feeding station made a huge difference almost immediately.
Once all those pieces were in place, we started the process of decluttering. In addition, we reorganized the dish side of the pantry, the dry goods side of the pantry and the party drawers too.
Before & After Pantry Reveal
Here’s a look at the dish side of the pantry before…
and after.
Here’s a look at the dry goods side of the pantry before…
and after.
The pantry storage drawers have been organized as well.
Kitchen Makeover Reveal
We didn’t start working on the kitchen makeover until the end of Week 3.
Other than planking and painting the walls, painting the kitchen cabinets and painting the hardware, we were essentially keeping everything else about the kitchen the same.
Honestly, I wasn’t sure if planking the walls would make a difference or not. Especially since we were going to paint them in Valspar’s Bistro White anyway.
But the minute the planks went on the wall, I knew we had made the right decision.
Planking the walls added a layer of texture we wouldn’t have had otherwise. Even though it was a ton of work, I’m so glad we did it.
Everything seemed to be running smoothly and on track, until Week 4. Then when we had to quickly shift gears from working on the One Room Challenge to making the house wheelchair accessible for my bestie S.
Working Through Major Challenges
The morning our Week 4 post went live, I was called to the ER. S had suffered multiple broken bones as well as tendon and ligament damage.
It was so severe the orthopedic surgeon told us the injury was consistent with someone that had fallen off the top of a ladder or a small building.
S is a big part of Team Crowned Goat. She runs all aspects of our website and helps with the projects we undertake as well.
Needless to say, losing S during the One Room Challenge and during the busiest time of the year has been an enormous loss.
Thankfully, she had surgery on Tuesday. It finally feels like the healing process can begin now.
As you can imagine the days that followed S’s injury were overwhelming at times.
The house was in complete disarray. It’s so hard to let people see you at your worst, you know?
Rallying with Team Crowned Goat
We somehow found a way to soldier on though. One by one people came to help us finish the One Room Challenge.
My Dad did everything from build us wheelchair ramps to bring us groceries to help finish projects around the kitchen.
My Mom helped source last minute materials, give the kitchen desk a makeover and upholster the desk chair too.
She brought us lunches and listened to me talk about the same worries over and over again.
In fact, nearly every day since the injury we’ve had people join Team Crowned Goat to help alleviate big worries and small ones.
Accepting Help for the Pantry & Kitchen Makeover Reveal
From bringing us meals to installing equipment to help make S feel more mobile. To mowing the grass and helping with other yard work. Helping us paint to making sure we got home from the hospital safely. To getting to all our surgical appointments safely. By watching over the pecan grove to wrangling a snake to offering words of prayer, encouragement and support.
When there is so much to do and no time to do it, it feels like you’re walking in a fog.
We needed a lot of help. At the same time, it was hard to articulate specific tasks that people could help us with.
And yet, people came anyway.
It melts my heart every time I think about it.
Truly, this whole experience has been exhausting and awe-inspiring all at the same time.
Embracing the Road to Recovery
I know the road to recovery is going to be a long one. But it’s our sincere hope we can host everyone who played a part in helping us finish the One Room Challenge for a big dinner.
And while it might be impossible to repay every act of kindness we’ve experienced over the past few weeks, we definitely plan to try.
Many blessings,
Dearest CoCo – the pantry and kitchen are fabulously beautiful! Each time you look at them, we know that you will think of all of the hands of love that went into making the rooms complete. Team Goat is an awe-inspiring group. They know how to rally, persevere, comfort, love and complete a project in excellence. You are all truly blessed. Please give S our love, prayers and best wishes during her recovery.
I appreciate you guys so much, thank you! It honestly feels like Christmas and Thanksgiving came early for us this year. We’ve been moved to tears at the outpouring of love and support including all the messages from you guys. We can feel your encouragement with every word. Love you both to pieces, CoCo
I’m so glad that your friend is doing better. Your rooms turned out perfectly wonderful. If I may ask, tho, how was she injured? Knowing the cause of her accident might keep others from suffering a similar injury. For example, my sister fell from the ladder to her attic onto the concrete garage floor and broke her back. Knowing that happened to her, you could not pay me enough to get me to climb up one of those ladders. I pray that your friend has a speedy recovery. Remembering my experience of helping with my sister, you may need a “recovery” period of your own when hers is over!
Thank you so much Claire! We appreciate all your sweet and kind words. S actually fell at work at the bottom of the steps leading out from the parking garage. Unfortunately this particular spot didn’t have any railing by the steps because no doubt her injuries would have been less significant had she been able to catch herself or at least reach out for a support bar. I’m so sorry to hear about your sister’s back. It sounds incredibly painful and I know it was a blessing for you to be by her side. You’re so right though, I’ll be thinking about her every time I have to up the ladder now too. Your comment about the being a caregiver is giving me the giggles today because it’s so true. I had no idea all the adventures that being a caregiver entailed. I’m looking forward to a long weekend at a spa or a beautiful and quiet vacation in the months to come 🙂 Sending you big hugs and thank yous, CoCo
Wow! It looks amazing and what a team you’re blessed to have. Hoping S has a speedy recovery!!
Thank you, Angie! It’s honestly be overwhelming at times to see all the seeds of kindness that are spreading around us. We are so thankful to have finished but more importantly thankful to have people in our lives that cheer us on the way that you do. Sending you love and hugs sweet friend, CoCo
It looks great! And….just so you know – seeing you at your worse is sometimes seeing me at my best. You rock Coco!
You’re melting my heart and making me all weepy on a Friday, Sabrina, seriously such sweet and thoughtful words. There is NO way we could have made it without all of your love and support these past few weeks. You’ve lifted us up every time we’ve needed it. You are a treasure and a blessing to us every single day. Big hugs, CoCo
I am loving every element of your makeover! I have to go back to see the before. The planks and white cabinets make the room look so clean and open. The countertops are perfect in contrast. You’ve inspired me with your party–I want to overhaul mine at the cottage before busy summertime goes in 7 months!!
I hope S recovers well, and soon! Kudos to everyone on a job well done! And I just found you on IG! Love it!
You’re so sweet, Jane, thank you! I can’t tell you how much I’ve appreciated the way you’ve been such a cheerleader for this project. It means so much. There are definitely a few more things I’d like to do with pantry to help make it even more organized. It’s truly one of the hardest working spaces in the house. I’ll look for you on IG too so we can follow each other. You inspire me all the time. Lots of hugs, CoCo
CoCo, it all looks so pretty!! I’m not at all amazed that it was finished on time – I knew you would have all the help you needed from those who love you so much! I mean it when I say, if only I lived closer, it would have been an honor to help you finish this project and I’m sure those who did help feel the same way! You guys have been in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to be. I can only imagine how hard this has been for both of you. Praying for a complete recovery and a sweet vacation once it is over! Blessings to you both! 🙂
You’re seriously the sweetest Patty! One day I’m going to give you an embarrassingly tight hug so be ready for me ha ha. We appreciate your kind and thoughtful words more than you could ever know. I know you would have been right over here in the middle of everything helping to get all the projects finished. We would have had so much fun. I’m happy to report that while S is not 100% comfortable she is doing ok. We go back to the doctor for the first check up post surgery on Thursday and while I’m just hoping for a good report someone else may have her heart set on getting out of the wheelchair and into crutches. Either way, we have a lot to be grateful for this Thanksgiving. Sending you big hugs and lots of thank yous, CoCo
Everything looks so beautiful Coco! It sounds like S is on the mend and she’ll be getting back in the swing of things soon! You did a wonderful job!!
Aww, thanks so much Marianne! I swear you never really realize how much you need an extra set of hands whenever you’re DIY-ing a project or trying to move a piece of furniture or to get a second opinion on how high to hang some drapes until you no longer have them. S will be going back to the doctor on Thursday so he can check the leg and ankle hardware and we’re hoping for a great report. Thanks so much for being a fabulous cheerleader. We appreciate you! Hugs to you and your Mom too, CoCo
Where did you find the cow picture in your kitchen? It is tooo cute!! Your kitchen makeover is amazing!!!
Thank you so much for your sweet comment, Paula and I’m so sorry for the delayed response! I found the cow picture at Kirkland’s a few years ago. I just checked their website and didn’t see the exact print I have but they do have other cute cow art depending on the size you are looking for. Our Kirkland location has closed but you can also try other online like Antique Farmhouse, Etsy, Charish, Society 6, or Great Big Canvas. Hobby Lobby also sells farmhouse-style things as well so that might be an option if you have one nearby. I’ll be on the lookout and definitely let you know if I ever come across another one. Hope your week is a special one, CoCo